This is getting to the next level and its orchestrated in hopes the left who are in full panic mode hope to draw the right into a shooting war. Homeowners know its their right to defend what its theirs and now its being called out by these punks!
Seattle Black Lives Matter agitators march through neighborhoods and demand white people give up their homes. “Give up your house. Give Black people back their homes. What are you going to do about it? Open up your wallets.”
“Do you know that before your white ass came here, this was all black people?” the man says. “Do you know people like you came in here and basically bought all the land from the black people for less than what it was worth, kicked them out so you could live here? Do you know that?”
No one gives a rat’s ass what these asshat’s want. As though anyone is going to open their wallet or move just because a bunch of punks with an entitlement attitude get brave when they can open their mouths when surrounded by ‘protestors’.
Same here. Let them have their temper tantrums. It doesn’t play out well for the coming election with the rest of the nation.
I can only hope if Trump is elected again, zero funds will go to these morons who allowed the riots. Let the buildings be a reminder of what damage fools in charge are capable of.
I will also add civil liabilities for elected officials as well. Let the civil class action suits begin, because there are many, which is why political leaders of these sh*tholes are seeking immunity from such class action suits!