So these little punks are demanding other people raise their fists? I’ll raise a middle finger and tell you to go pound sand. This bullshit has to end. I DARE these little punks to get in my face and demand I raise my fist in support of these criminals that keep getting shot while fighting the police.
Make no mistake. I support the POLICE, not thugs and fascists.
It’s hilarious to watch these self important white morons demanding others lick the boots of the racist ass BLM organization. Fuck them and fuck BLM. I stand for actual black lives but that organization needs to be abolished.
What is easy to know with minimal research and observation is that BLM doesn’t really care about black lives. It is a Marxist organization (co-founded by three avowed Marxists) and promotes in-your-face confrontations, violent protests, destruction of property and looting as it literally ignores black-on-black violence and murders in the gang-plagued liberal cities like Chicago.
BLM doesn’t care about black lives at all. Their moniker is a false flag.
Which is why I live in Texas. We have made it clear that we’ll shoot violent rioters. Then we’ll call the police and have them arrested for violent riots, just in case they survived.
I’m in PA’s Coal Regions; the Only Old West Towns East of the Mississippi. Looters would be dead before they hit the ground. Police reports would read: No One Saw Anything.