Biological woman who cut off breasts to become a trans "male" now regrets "huge mistake"

In 2005, Karemer received her prosthetic “testicles” and three years after that she had her vagina fully removed. Just a few months after that Karemer had fat and skin harvested from her arm in order to finish the creation of her fake “penis” as well as to complete the work on her “testicles”.

In the end, however, Karemer didn’t find the happiness she was looking for. Instead, she felt emptier than ever, and eventually realized that she had been duped – and now she’s trying to warn others not to make the same mistake she did, despite the apparent allure and trendiness of going transgender in our modern day.

“The session where I realized this was so bad, I had a complete breakdown and panic attack because I realized it was a huge mistake,” Karemer recalls. “I was traumatized by what had happened in my life, and it was misdiagnosed as being transgender.”

“Looking back now, I realize that it was simply a feeling that if I didn’t have a vagina, I couldn’t be raped,” this poor woman now understands.

Be sure to read her full tragic story at Life Site News .

The suicide rate among transgenders is 40% higher than the national average in the US. I would imagine based on population size similar rates are higher in other countries too.

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This is a valuable life lesson and I almost feel somewhat bad for her, but she should have been smart enough to realize that removing her genitalia and chopping off her tits was probably a really bad idea from the beginning.

The doctors are willingly do this to her should lose their medical licenses.

Lots of stories like that out there.

I hope they can find a cure for whatever ails them.

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To intentionally go through what she had to go through, it must be more a case of gender dysphoria (a recognized condition) than mere transexuality.

There is a word in the medical community, and the word is ethics. I guess the mutilation was just a matter of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. There is also a term in the medical community, and the term is “Do no harm”. Seems the Hippocratic Oath is now the Hypocritic Oath.
Hippocratic Oath
I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract:
To hold him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to be a partner in life with him, and to fulfill his needs when required; to look upon his offspring as equals to my own siblings, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or contract; and that by the set rules, lectures, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to students bound by this contract and having sworn this Oath to the law of medicine, but to no others.
I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I WILL NOT GIVE A WOMAN A PESSARY TO CAUSE AN ABORTION.
In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to those who are trained in this craft.
Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free men or slaves.
Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private.
So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate.

This poor soul did not need a surgeon, she needed a good psychiatrist.

Who spits against heaven…

It’s an oxymoron.
Ain’t no such thing.

She just needed common sense.

OK, then a good bartender. Works for me; since they heard it all. The Voice of Reason says: Do not sew your snatch shut.

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Psychiatry is the charlatan in the world of medicine, and attracts those who don’t have the ability to practise any of the other specialisms.

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Similar thing regarding liberal college ‘professors’.

All of our colleges and universities are liberal too. I can quite understand why students are, because liberalism goes hand in hand with lack of life experience and grasp of world affairs, but the uni staff are adults and ought to know better.