Big Tech Purge Continues, Facebook Bans Walk Away Movement, Reddit Bans Pro-Trump Group, Twitter Purge Ongoing, Biden Labels Trump Supporters “Domestic Terrorists”

We must remember what Our Lord said about this time and the time coming after this.

There is a reason why the Agents of Satan are acting SUPER SUPER FAST, shutting things down, locking things downs etc they are doing ALL of this at 200 mph and Our Lord told us why the Agents of Satan are acting SUPER SUPER FAST:


Satan knows his time in charge on this earth is SHORT…VERY VERY SHORT and he knows he is going to LOSE, his aim is to cause as much suffering, misery, destruction and death as possible in the VERY VERY SHORT time he has.

We await the literal Final Anti-Christ, a human man of flesh and blood who Satan HIMSELF is going to inhabit and direct.

It will probably ALL be over by approx 2028-2029, ALL be over for Satan and the Agents of Satan on this earth.

By 2028-2029 Our Lord will have won the Final Battle, Our Lord’s Agents on this earth will have assisted Him and we can then look forward to PERPETUAL PEACE on earth, with no more division, no more suffering, nor more destruction and CRUCIALLY no more WARS because Satan will have been finally defeated and The Anti-Christ and The False Prophet and ALL the Agents of Satan on this earth will have been DESTROYED and thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire (as a Roman Catholic it PAINS me to say that I believe that The Anti-Pope Francis is The False Prophet that Our Lord foretold and warned us about. At this time I do not know WHO the Final Anti-Christ is, but for many years my number one suspect for the Final Anti-Christ has been Barack Hussein Obama and I still STRONGLY hold this opinion)

We KNOW that the final outcome is that these DEMONS will ALL be thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire. We KNOW this glorious finale is what awaits.

Let us be STRONG in spirit and in soul. In less than 10 years, WE will begin anew in a New World, where Our Lord Jesus Christ RULES from above and we His humble servants cherish ALL that is good and beautiful and pure.

THIS is the New World that awaits US. Deus Vult.

Jesus Christ Is King. Jesus Christ is the ONE and ONLY Messiah and through Him WE find and receive Redemption AND Salvation.






But apparently your hate of half of Americans lines up with FB’s, Google’s and Apple’s - so it’s just peachy…

Where I live the only water supplier is Thames valley the CEO has decided to piss into the water supply because it’s a private company I’ve written a letter of complaint but he responded calling me a bigot damn these private companies we need to have some form of regulation

BP Oil have decided to ignore all safely regulations any sea life complaining about oil spills will be labelled a bigot and rightly so BP are a private company after all they should only be concerned about their profits

I’m going to a third world country to get me some slaves I’m just going to register as a private company checkmate moral standards

Yeah yeah, it’s been “this time” lots of times…:roll_eyes:

The deplorables do not represent half of Americans, maybe 10%…

So why did we win every toss up seat? Lol why did Democrats lose so many seats?


Nice river. Here in America, conservatives abhor regulations. In fact, Trump has been widely praised by Trumpers for having removed regulating safeguards that we’re going to have to get Biden to reinstate…

Most conservatives do not abhor regulations What we abhor is over regulation that serves no purpose other than to add unnecessary costs / income to the government.

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Thankfully there’s more of US than you.

America is returning to the normalcy we, and our global peers have come to expect. And with any luck, sufficient republicans will stand for this and vote to convict Trump in the senate and put the final nail in his coffin…

I have no idea what that has to do with the post you replied to on regulation.

Care to address the points in the article I posted?

But what about this but what about that hardly defending your point is it?? Private company should be regulated sensible people are aware of that

Not at all, I support regulating business, and I’m a business owner…:man_shrugging:

Oh the classic regulation for every other type of company just not social media companies :smiley:

Normalcy??? How so? Masks… lock downs… millions unemployed through no fault of their own… Businesses killed and shut down… Everything free for everyone… anyone can come to America, any time, no problem… opposing voices shut down and trampled on… normalcy :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl::roll_eyes:


Perhaps things are different in the UK, but as a public service announcement, NO company in America exists outside regulation, not even our big tech companies, and there’s plenty of established law for this I could provide, should you have difficulty finding it yourself…

It’s just that the right WANTS more regulation for big tech. It’s not that the right is anti-regulation, they just want to be the decider of what regulations are imposed…:wink:

Big Tech can’t attack every site thst allows conservatives to post. New sites will open as they attempt to close others.
It’s time to rich SNOT NOSES like Zuckerberg behind the woodshed and beat his ass. Thi is like banning newspapers that are opposite of the NYT or

As do the leftist mobs, the difference is that that mob rules the DNC without dissent. Even spineless Biden is going to start executive actions including effectively disabling any border protection, and starting discussions of creating two new states by fiat. Expect ‘expansion’ of the SCOTUS to be right around the corner.


Seems like the Mexican President is more on point about freedom of speech than our own government is from both sides of the aisle, not that the latter matters as there is only one side in this debate, hence why SEC 230 continues on unabated. It we had a representative government then this issue would been put to bed a long time ago. When Tech companies wilfully subvert the 1st amendment and act as having more power than the president himself, you have a real problem going into the future that will only get worse.

you are one horrible mother fuker…someone should put your lights out