Biden's Economic Policies are Sinking the US Economy

Yes the Global Inflation is the result of the criminally forced Lockdown of the ENTIRE Western world. Anyone with half a brain knew what the result would be - Inflation, then Double Dip Recession, then Stock Market Crash and these things will all happen and EVERYONE who supported and enforced the criminally forced Lockdown is at fault and that INCLUDES the Joey Bidet Regime.


ALL part of the World Economic Forum plan, ALL part of The Great Reset evil insanity, remember Klaus Schwarb tells everyone “By 2030 you will own NOTHING and you WILL be happy”

The Corporate Fascists + The International Globalist Fascists planned this a LONG TIME AGO and due to the fake virus that is just the flu renamed and has a 98% recovery rate but was pushed as The New Plague by the International Globalist owned MSM with the help of the International Globalist owned Medical Fascists at WHO the ENTIRE WESTERN WORLD was put in a FORCED Lockdown and this has been going on now for nearly two years, but the Lockdown was between a year and 18 months.

The DELIBERATE kneecapping of nearly ALL economic activity was DESIGNED to destroy the Western Economies and also DESTROY small businesses and medium sized business and wipe out the Middle Class, they haven’t actually succeeded in the last two things YET, of course MANY small and medium sized businesses have been wiped out but MANY more stay standing and most of the Middle Class stay standing.

The evil PSYCHOPATHS though have the plan to now fully DESTROY them and that is by EXTORTIONATE PRICE INCREASES right across the board, people are simply not going to be able to afford this shit in the long-term because wages are going to be FORCED to remain stagnant and so they will be DESTROYED and once that happens the evil PSYCHOPATHS will bring in the Social Credit Score and the Universal Basic Income BUT to get on this people WILL have to SUBMIT to ENDLESS FORCED vaccinations that are EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES against their WILL in FULL VIOLATION of The Nuremberg Code:



Remember Venezuela ?
Venezuela was the richest country on the continent - soon total economic collapse Inflation nearing an unhear of 1000% which led to food riots and lootings. Utter confusion over currency fluctuations standard pricing was impossible !! WHAT WENT WRONG - The rise of socialism !!!

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It IS the fucking CHINA VIRUS asshole !!!


STOP !!! This may encourage Monty to post similar picture of him and his man lover . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Lets also add insult to injury that our Government wants to add more spending such as 3.5 trillion to our debt, which actually will amount close to 7 trillion if you include the funding programas that will go to illegal immigrants who BTW are exempt from any COVID mandates. Think about that one for awhile. Insanity on another level, then again someone hatched this plan and is now making sure to carry it out.



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Monty says :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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Yeah, Biden wasn’t the president when the virus arrived, nor during any lockdowns…………

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Yeah, Biden wasn’t the president when the virus arrived, nor during any lockdowns

Hey retard! Did you read this threads OP or are you still suffering from TDS? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Its not a virus thread, its about economics. Do you know how to read? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As we near 400K deaths from covid with a vaccine given to him to implement.

Guess your country’s gone, are you looking elsewhere?

And over 90% of daily deaths are the unvaccinated, most of which are Trumpers. So Biden can administer the vaccine but can’t make the belligerent take it…


A recent study by the UK Health Security Agency, produced these results for weeks 35-38 of 2021 or August 30-September 26th as reported by Europe Reloaded :

Confirmed cases among all unvaccinated adults over the age of 18 between August 30th and September 26th equate to 75,925. Whilst confirmed cases among all adults who had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine equate to 313,292. Therefore unvaccinated adults account for just 18% of cases in September, whilst vaccinated adults account for 74% of cases in September.

Also, “the unvaccinated account for just 22% of Covid-19 deaths during September 2021, whilst the vaccinated account for a disastrous 78%.”

So much for your bullshit.

Wait, Colin Powell was vaccinated.

Prove it? Montecrusty? Ha hAh ha! He’s a major asshat clown who loves to flap his gums and quote CNN sources! Keep your expectations low! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Umm Colin Powell was double vaccinated, was a Democrat and died hehe

How did this thread go to talking about bad economic policies of this administration to Vaccines and deaths from COVID?


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Trump crashing the economy on his way out the door with his tepid response to Covid insisting that it would magically disappear, could be treated with household cleaners and veterinarian drugs and other foolish things he said which allowed the virus to spread rapidly leading to unnecessary death, record unemployment and supply shortages……

The man is a genius

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