Now if we can stop democrats from cheating, and secretary of State’s deny votes that come back unconstitutional. Republicans win easy!
Biden doesn’t know what century he is in , hell he is still looking for Jackie !
That dumb fuck isn’t running for anything…lol.
He is hitting up Al Sharpton to be “TOKEN AFRICAN AMERICAN” to replace Kamala in 2024
So what? Sharpten is nothing more than an opportunist… at the expense of his own people. Biden isn’t doing shit at the end of his term.
Right now, gas prices are up twenty cents overnight in my fair city. This proves Joe is having an effect on the economy…a negative one, He stands to do much more to showcase his blundering with two whole years to work with. It boggles the mind
I guess he was tools to stop stealing from strategic reserve. These democrats need to face treason charges. Green new deal is purposely hurting Americans
Gas went up 55 cents in 3 weeks in Indiana WTF !!! over $4 and most $4.39
Just means more GREEN in the pockets of greedy MF !!!
The only thing Biden should run for is the 1st plane out of DC on 1-21- 25.