Biden’s EPA poised to allow California to move forward with its ‘zero-emissions’ locomotives regulations

Charging is going to be expensivee:

Biden’s EPA poised to allow California to move forward with its ‘zero-emissions’ locomotives regulations

By Olivia Murray

Thought you’d seen the stupidest of the “green” movement? Think again, because here come “green” locomotives; here’s what Nick Pope at the Daily Caller News Foundation reported yesterday:

The Biden administration could allow California to implement a rule designed to push green locomotives, but a growing list of stakeholders are warning that the regulation would severely impact the state’s economy and the national rail industry.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could soon determine whether it will allow the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to move forward with a state regulation that would ban the use of locomotives that are more than 23 years past their manufacturing date unless they run using zero-emissions technology, according to Progressive Railroading.

Just one more way to feed inflation !!! FUCKING DUMMYCRATS !!!

Ya know, a bunch of them trains need to cross the Rockies and/or Sierra Madras with really heavy loads. Upgrade for miles and miles and miles, then down on the other side takes old fashion horsepower. If they do this regulation they can close the ports at the same time because shippers really don’t care where the freight enters the country; they only calculate cost of transport and choose the way that’s cheapest. Every locomotive made since WWII has been diesel/electric and it’s the best system invented so far. That should be the choice for transitioning from gas to whatever, too: gas, diesel, or nat gas/electric hybrids. They work, NOW. But the morons in charge have eye-shades-blinders like they used to use on horses and can’t see anything but what’s painted on their eyeglasses. That’s OK, too, because Californians are going to burn down the statehouse and all the miscreants in it when the state seizes-up with electric cars stalled everywhere and no air conditioning for weeks at a time. The rest of us will be thanking God. And laughing ourselves silly.