Biden: Russia Election Interference Wouldn’t Have Happened ‘on My Watch and Barack's Watch

I didn’t know Creepy Uncle Joe was a comedian.


BIDEN: “Look at what’s happening with Putin. While Putin is trying to undo our elections, he is undoing elections in Europe. Look at what’s happening in Hungary, look what’s happening in Poland, look what’s happening. You think that would happen on my watch or Barack’s watch? You can’t answer that, but I promise it wouldn’t have, and it didn’t.”

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Biden forgets that he was VP when Obama promised everybody that Russia couldn’t interfere in the 2016 election but then Hillary needed an excuse for losing.


What is the matter with this guy! I knew wasn’t very smart but that is a ridiculous statement since all of the Russian meddling happened during the Obama Administration.


Biden’s Whole Presidential Campaign Will Be Like This


Good! He was a useless idiot when he was Vice President and he was just as brain dead as a Senator. I hope his campaign goes down the tubes.

His son was just busted for buying crack btw

Even some libs will go… “huh?”

He should just nuzzle Kamila and stay the hell away from politics.

Biden’s losing it. He won’t be the nominee.

His watch??? All he’s ever done is walk around bumping into things.

Biden is not right, in the head. He had an aneurysm, technically 2, in the '80’s.

Lest we forget the Ukraine scandal where him and his Son were involved in meddling in elections? Can this guy be any dumber?

Did the dummy forget about Uranium One and the Hillary caper ? What about the servers Hillary’s and the DNC ???

He has a real talent for saying the absolute dumbest thing possible on any topic over and over again.

Well then, I guess we can lay the Russia collusion to bed… no? :))

Thus his success in the DNC…

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Biden Usually Quits About Iowa


Unfortunately he’s one of the more sane and rational candidates running this year and might actually go the distance.

If he’s the best they can put up for a candidate though I’d say barring something unforeseen Trump wins in a landslide because Biden is a dottering old fool with way too much baggage.

So has anyone pointed out that it actually did happen on their watch?

Maybe he slipped up and is admitting it didn’t actually happen. Which would make it all a con on the part of Democrats … which is actually believable.

Biden is going to take Clinton on a whirlwind campaign tour to drum up support.

In backchannels they’re calling it the Fondling Fathers Tour.

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It wouldn’t have happened because there would be a massive coverup.