Biden headed for WW111

You haven’t come close to destroying me. You have constantly attacked Dr. Manhattan with racist rantings and vulgarity. I’ve tried to keep things civil with you, but you continue in your attempts to degrade him ,when you wouldn’t make a pimple on anyone’s ass.
Would you like to be attacked and degraded over your ancestry.The white men tried to starve them by killing almost all the Bison then put them on reservations. What humiliation!!!

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Yeah I am not capable because it you are too coward to walk the walk. Send me a private PM and we can settle this any time.

You haven’t destroyed anybody or anything. You have been more wrong on most things, and copying and pasting and repeating what others here have already stated is not debating but merely being a parasite here looking for attention. You have proven that here from time after time. Responding to dead posters, resurrecting old threads, derailing threads on purpose, yes this is all that you did so stop pretending to play the victim here, you are just as guilty and instigated this. The irony is you accuse me of trolling as you got a taste of your own medicine and now you are crying like a little bitch to every one here.

Yes please go, this place was fine when you weren’t here, besides no one here likes you to which you only converse with one poster here anyway. Maybe the HUFFPOST is more your thing, or maybe some gay Transgender forum where more of your kind hang out.

Now go find your little corner and go fist yourself because we all you know you like to do that! Fkinh Hypocrite!

WOW , Talk about the irony in your fucked up logic , please tell us when you haven’t trolled for years ???

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