Biden caught red handed making racist remarks

What did he say?
America is doomed because of blacks and Hispanics?


After four years of dismissing and excusing the racist in chief, donā€™t pretend to be offended by racism nowā€¦:-1:

Letā€™s hear his entire comment in context, not just a cropped 26 secondsā€¦:roll_eyes:

What part of it donā€™t you understand?

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It has no context. Can you produce the conversation that those 26 seconds were plucked from. Do you dare to let us hear what he said immediately before and after those 26 seconds?

ā€œLetā€™s get something straight,ā€ Biden said. ā€œYou shouldnā€™t be disappointed. What Iā€™ve done so far is more than anyone else has done.ā€

I donā€™t know what Joo Biden said afterwards.

Yep. He said the hard truth.
America is doomed because of blacks.

Why canā€™t you just post the zoom conversation in itā€™s entirety? Again in your link, all I get is those 26 seconds of one liners in quotations, the rest being what Ruben Navarette Jr., says about Bidenā€¦:man_shrugging:

There is a trend that does show that mongoloids and Europeans can build decent countries but blacks subcontinent Asians Arabs and hispanics seem to create violent countries with massive poverty

I canā€™t find the rest of the conversation.
A wise man hears one and knows ten, as you say.

Sadly, any country with a population of black Africans at over 10% seems to be doomed. Brazil is another such example.

Blacks should know, as Biden warns them, that Hispanics are not tolerant to them as whites are today (unless whites finally learn a lesson).

Right, I canā€™t either. Seems rather convenient that 26 cherry picked seconds is all that existsā€¦:roll_eyes:

Joe Biden isnā€™t raicist? Lol he gave the Eulogy at a grand wizards funeral, his first campaign rally in the 70ā€™s was at klans meeting hall lol


To get into the retrumpliCON party did you have to exhibit a massive ability to
manipulateā€¦and lieā€¦your posts have given you instant accessā€¦

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