Ever since the first hint of Russian meddling, the whole thing didn’t make sense. They could bribe any “normal” politician the usual way, no questions asked. Hillary would be at the top of the list, Trump at the bottom. The “meddling” itself is so trivial compared to the noise of the political campaigns, just worrying about it is ridiculous.
Then, like spinning on a dime, all of the Democrat establishment has Putin as the world’s worst guy. Why? My best plausible explanation is that they tried to go one step too far and blackmail Hillary over her emails, setting off a harsh reaction and the plot to entrap Trump operatives as in league with the blackmailers. Hell hath no fury like an angry and threatened Hillary.
I agree, it makes no sense that Putin would care who gets elected, it’s difficult enough to predict what would happen for an American who is supposed to be expert in the field. Probably the only thing he cares about is high oil prices, and Bernie would do everything he can to make that happen. That doesn’t take a genius to figure out.