Bernie Sanders briefed by US officials that Russia is trying to aid his campaign

This wasn’t a story propagated by the FBI you knucklehead! If you didn’t have a reading impediment I might actually provide sources that proves what I am saying is correct! But seeing you don’t read and are perfectly content to wallow in your ignorance, why bother?

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Y’know, I’ve come across quite a few obnoxious gits in all my years on messageboards but you and TWR make them all seem congenial to a fault.

There you go again with your BS victimhood game. Same shite different day with you! Learn to read!

If you can’t accept the criticisms of the OP’s you post, then maybe it’s not your thing to start such conversations here.

Er, elicit?? :roll_eyes:

Yep! You got me there Einstein! :rofl:

Funny how you can spot a typo but your incapable of reading comprehension to know when a story is fake or not! Can’t make this shit up! It’s pretty hilarious! No wonder why no one here likes engaging with you on any topic, you are just too dense to figure it out!

Oh no…some worthless country is buying ads on Facebook…meanwhile we literally have Voice of America and Armed Forces Radio blaring in countless countries…but ads on social media are meddling in our elections :rofl:

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I wonder if the Russians were propping Bernie up when he was hammering HRC during the last cycle.


lol Like ads on FB make any difference to a country’s elections when 95% of its membership don’t even know what politics is never mind analyse the ads thence to make up their minds.

The propaganda on Facebook is already becoming insufferable, and no doubt it’s all homegrown. So the CIA repeats (or creates) a rumor on the russkies and shazam! It’s the end of our democracy.

Of course, everyone in the propaganda press are wringing their hands like it’s 10,000 nukes launched. The russkies are the least of our worries.


They are banking on a small subset of idiots in this country buying into this nonsense hook, line, and sinker. Sadly, that means a few million idiots out there spewing garbage that the Russians are running elections in this country.



Putin probably doesn’t give a fuck who the next president will be, that’s the funny part? :rofl:

Ever since the first hint of Russian meddling, the whole thing didn’t make sense. They could bribe any “normal” politician the usual way, no questions asked. Hillary would be at the top of the list, Trump at the bottom. The “meddling” itself is so trivial compared to the noise of the political campaigns, just worrying about it is ridiculous.

Then, like spinning on a dime, all of the Democrat establishment has Putin as the world’s worst guy. Why? My best plausible explanation is that they tried to go one step too far and blackmail Hillary over her emails, setting off a harsh reaction and the plot to entrap Trump operatives as in league with the blackmailers. Hell hath no fury like an angry and threatened Hillary.

I agree, it makes no sense that Putin would care who gets elected, it’s difficult enough to predict what would happen for an American who is supposed to be expert in the field. Probably the only thing he cares about is high oil prices, and Bernie would do everything he can to make that happen. That doesn’t take a genius to figure out.

Well take our Salisbury/Novichok pantomime? That was an exercise in demonising the Russians.

You’ve got to explain that one, it must be too British for me.

There y’go, read all about the charade. ‘poisoned’ my arse! Remember, the bigger the lie, the more there are who’ll refuse to believe it isn’t the truth??

So when will the FBI file for those FISA warrant and lock up a few of Bernie’s gang ? :roll_eyes: