Why didn’t the guy just STFU after he was initially cleared? The bad judgement I refer to is his choice to bring it up in public again after being cleared.
As far as killing the suspected bombmaker… I wasn’t there, so I’m not so quick to judge. If Golsteyn’s logic was correct and the collaborators who helped us would have been killed… that is a damned hard decision. I’d want to hear more about how Golsteyn concluded the “bombmaker” was really a bombmaker.
I have a towel head every morning when I get out of the shower. Wrapping your head so the water in your hair is absorbed by the towel is an art, don’t ya know?
Yet another travesty of justice. This case that has been bounced around since 2010! Unbelievable.
He should be given a medal, not facing the death penalty!
Major Golsteyn is charged with murder for not reading rights and offering a free lawyer to a terrorist bomb maker…before killing him on the battlefield. The suspected bomb maker was captured then released (by Obama rules) and later killed during combat operations in Marja.