Yeah your answer is more altruistic measures, imagine the irony. Keep pounding on the same problems with the same methods that created them in the first place! Thanks you just proved you are incapable of having your own original ideas but just repeating the same garbage as any other ignorant liberal. You confirm with each post why I never vote for your party because every post you come back with is retarded ideas to which you fail in making a convincing argument. It’s probably why we have a senile asshat in the White House who stole an election because half the country is made up of ignorant fools like you! You always solve problems with ideology?
You said nothing of substance here. Ad hominem is your go to argument when you are frustrated. It’s rather amusing
Blah, blah blah. Now claim to be a victim. There was plenty of substance that was said you just choose to be purposely obtuse about it, something leftist idiots are good at. You resort to demagoguery but when the favor is returned to you all of a sudden it’s not the same. Where have we seen this before? Why is it you lefttards can never accept responsibility for your own actions?
Talk about denial and being clueless, you take the cake at making arguments with altruistic views that lacks any substance to back it up. This right here is the definition of false causation, such as making up shit based on emotions than actual social science and data and being intellectually honest.
Tbf, you guys dismiss science and data when it goes against your opinions anyway, so what’s the point?
And I wasn’t claiming victimhood, merely pointing out the fact that you enjoy attacking people instead of having a discussion
No and now you are making shit up again. This is exactly why I don’t like you. You are simply an intellectually dishonest person who is an ideologue! You make superfluous statements that has bigoted overtones with an incapability or capacity to understand basic ideas when presented. You already proven as such in the short time you were here that you are not willing to accept others views outside your constructed echo chamber that you choose to live in. The very thing you accuse me is exactly what you are guilty of intolerant to accept that your a flawed person with flawed views of the issues you try to debate about. The truth is you know nothing about me, what I know and what sources of information that are available to me. You just never know who you engage with on the other end but only make assumptions you think you know more! I got news for you, you don’t know more.
You illustrated my point beautifully, thank you
Go look at your own statements you made! I know being truthful with yourself is a hard thing to do, the sooner you acknowledge that the sooner you become a better person. Living in a world of delusions is not a positive way to go. You can accept that or you can start putting me on ignore I have no tolerance for people who are wilfully ignorant in order to be a soulless ideologue. You demonstrate that in spades!
If you have to tell yourself a false narrative to stroke your ego then by all means have at it. You don’t hurt me by doing so, but says a lot about you as a person. Smarter people than you know the difference.
Talk about a lesson in Duality!
Rand was arguably the finest philosophical/political/economics mind of the 20th Century. By the same token, she was an embarrassment to her inner circle of admires.
She was totally intolerant of any views other than hers, (being known to have actually gotten into a screaming match with no less than Nobel Laureate Dr. Milton Friedman) . She had the morals of a mink, breaking up marriages right and left because she couldn’t leave other women’s husbands alone.
Setting aside her personal life, her writings should be required reading at every college and university in the world.
Personally, I’ve read Atlas Shrugged about ten times, all the way through. And frankly I find those movie attempts to be pathetic, both in casting and trying to rewrite the story for political correctness sake.
Lol, now that’s astutely funny……
Oh, they have become the anti-science crowd….
It is true. Rand was a devout atheist. Belief in a deity was considered VERBOTEN in her “Objectivist” philosophy.
Yeah, and sadly that is the way of the fringe right. Ignore it and ignore those who do so and say what you have to say……
Ayn Rand was a emotional nut case. Regardless of what you think of her philosophy and writing, Rand’s personal life was a complete shambles. She became involved in an adulterous affair with a disciple (a “reasonable” decision on her part, of course), and then went all “old bat of out hell” when he made the “reasonable” decision to start boinking some younger woman. The resulting emotional pyrotechnics were a perfect example of the impotence of Objectivism as a life creed.
Thing is, there IS such a thing as a fringe right. It is very small. It doesn’t even come CLOSE to representing mainstream conservatism, which is where most of America is.
The fringe or Alt Right has a lot in common with you goose stepping Woke Nazis. Identity Politics. The alt Right believes everything good about America is the direct result of western European men with white skin. You goose steppers believe everything wrong with America is the direct result of western European men with white skin.
Mainstream conservative Republicans believe America is great because of liberty, free market capitalism and the rule of law.
Funny thing about fringes. Your Woke Nazi goose steppers represent the ENTIRE left, probably because left wingers are stupid, ignorant followers, totally incapable of any independent thought whatsoever.
Republicans are all over the place, ideology wise, because we are the only true independents in America. While you left wingers goose step your way across everything, we can’t sometimes even agree on lunch.
Looks like there is much more unity in the stupid.
Interestingly enough, even TODAY the most ardent Ayn Rand devotees will admit she was an embarrassment to her millions of admirers. Her personal life was almost the exact opposite of the total logic in her writings. And remember I mentioned this earlier in this thread.
Haha, damn glad myself that we don’t have more, there’s enough of that ilk mouthing one philosophy and living another……
Don’t like diversity huh?