Attorney – FBI caught lying about the murder of Seth Rich

You’re asking two different questions, I think:

  1. What is my own, personal, opinion of America’s intelligence agencies, and of its foreign policy towards Russia in particualar?

  2. Do I think that anyone holding my views, would be wise to enunciate them, especially to another competing power, and on their own soil, publically?

As for (1), that’s another discussion. I don’t think we have handled Russia at all well – read the Christopher Caldwell piece for something close to my own views.

As for (2), every time Trump says anything, anywhere, I wince, since it’s never the result of cool rational calculation.

This quality of his has one good point: it means that millions of Americans, used to Republican polticians whose only public utterances are the result of cool calculation, and meant to deceive, found someone in a different mold, who, in his own crude way, was sincere. (Remember Marco Rubio’s robot-speech?)

Look … I spent decades hearing anyone who proposed anything for America’s foreign policy other than militant militarized anti-communist belligerence, denounced from the Right as a pinko, com-symp, Russian stooge, etc. ( still have a vivid memory, of an angry man asking me, as I left the first Black sit-in at Weingarten’s Supermarket, where I got my rubles from.). So I’m completely immunized to the “Russian stooge” taunt, even if it’s now coming from the Left.

Well no, I wasn’t asking your opinion of US intelligence agencies.

But as a matter of tradition, class, respect, patriotism, the national interests and SO MUCH MORE, it is NEVER proper for a president (or any other representative of America) to stand on foreign soil and dismiss the authorities of ones own country in deference to a foreign, and especially, an adversarial country.

“Permanent,” unelected, intelligence workers, who throw in with an International, bunch of One World Government proponents Are not looking out for the USA anymore. They are subversive now.

Seems the preferred method of murder for anyone that reveals or uncovers politicians wrong doings.

The same way the reporter for the San Jose Mercury News dies after exposing Iran Contra…

I wonder why she killed him.

And here I thought it was suicide!!! How dumb of me? James Comey must be working at a new job to help thwart the investigation which has gone on to long.
Seth Rich must have been a bad shot to have to fire 2 shots in the head to kill himself and walk to the Potomac to die.
Bill Clinton will say, I did not fire the shots that killed that man , Seth Rich. Hillary pulled the trigger. Both will claim " they don’t know anything " and shrug their shoulders. Its like OJ Simpson not knowing who killed his ex wife.

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Deep state is real. ……

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: coming from the master of bullshit !! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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So many tyrants, so little time. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: