I think the same way. I did some research - they couldn’t. Logistics was killing them.
Happens a lot with low budget productions. People get busy with other projects so they don’t have a lot of choice.
From the very beginning of “progressivism” they wanted Arbitrary government. FDR finally gave it to them and the cancer has grown rotting out the nation’s future ever since. We will eventually fall and the cause will be progressivism. Sure, it may seem like it’s something else at the time, and the progressives will not learn their lesson but demand we need more of their solutions, but just as cancer patients often times die of complications it still remains a fact that the underlying disease is the real cause.
For non readers which is the majority of Americans it was better than nothing.
Atlas Shrugged: The Emoji Version
The problem with gov’t solutions is that they almost always create more problems requiring more gov’t solutions.
It’s a self inflicted cancer and sooner or later it will consume the host, “We The People”.
For ever action there is reaction and unintended consequences.
Figured one would learn by now. It’s the reason why most conservatives are slow to react. Because we like to think thing through instead of acting on emotions like libs.
Life is like a plate of chilies, what you do today may burn your butt tomorrow.
Sho how’s the read going???
Have you rationalized the idea of collective enterprise? You cannot simply let each individual decide what his ability and needs are, shouldn’t that be decided collectively? So everyone competes to exaggerate his needs and minimize his ability.
The frame work for exaggeration. In many cases those that lied the best were ever compensated at the expense of others.