The narrator of that clip you posted. He said something to effect that Hank Rearden was doing it for himself. But in reality his steel is being used to build bridges, building etc while employing thousands with good paying jobs…revenue that IS helping the collective.
What libs recent is how Hank Rearden is earning he money. But to say he isn’t doing it for good of collective is wrong. He’s doing more for collective then any goverment bureaucracy IMO.
He’s actually producing wealth that filters throughout the economy.
What greater wealth is there than to own your life and to spend it on growing? Every living thing must grow. It can’t stand still. It must grow or perish.
I used to give my AP Lit & Comp students “Fountainhead” with the admonition that given their proclivity for not reading assigned works, and the importance of what this book contained- this would not be assigned_, and was completely optional. About half of each class read the book, and they were mostly high B and A level students.
Indeed, unless something factually is commerce among the several States it shouldn’t matter one jot if it somehow affects commerce. The federal has no delegated power to regulate things that merely affect interstate commerce but aren’t interstate commerce, or which are intrastate commerce. Never mind that the clause was there not to permit the federal to manage what private persons or entities do when they choose to engage in commerce but to give Congress some means to prevent the State’s from abusing their own regulatory powers at the expense of the citizens of other States, to make commerce regular … not managed. And there’s no justification to flatly assume all commerce is among the several states as a pretext to the power grab.
Just like the courts gave themselves the ability to rewrite the constitution they gave congress the power to regulate anything that affects commerce in any way.
When the courts ruled and upheld said ruling that a farmer using his own seed was affecting interstate commerce by not buying commercially produced seed the commerce clause was completely undone and no longer had any meaning at all.