My nearest neighbor these days is a mile down the county road and I live in a town of less than 80 people with no post office and one commercial business (the gas station).
Until the age of 14, I lived on Army and Air Force bases or the larger cities right outside the gate, and in large metropolitan areas until I was 22, so I’ve had my fair share of both worlds.
I contend that there are more freedoms enjoyed out here in the country than compared to the city, while the city lifers enjoy more material liberties than compared to the country.
For example, in the country, I can:
Pee off my front porch.
Shoot guns off my back porch.
Raise livestock.
Explode things.
Throw loud parties.
Build bonfires in my yard.
Let my dogs run wild.
What say you? Are there freedoms that you enjoy in the city that you can’t enjoy out in the country?
Why do I think it’s that way? Privacy, People, and backdrop.
There’s a few hundred million people with ideas different than mine though, and I genuinely can’t think of anything I have the freedom to do in a city that I can’t do out in the country.
Only to the point it became an irritation to them at which point you either end up in direct conflict or constantly explaining your actions to the police/judge.
Conflicts increase with proximity, it’s just human nature.