Arms Race Heats Up: Just As China Reveals Space Nukes, America Responds With Trans Admiral

Sorry Monte the edit was by mistake and/or misinterpreted :slight_smile: Personally I think any attempt by Washington DC to stand up to China in any military sense will be a MASSIVE disaster.

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The US Army is now going to require that sick pervert men, who identify as women, to use shared showers with female soldiers and sleep in the same barracks with them. If the female soldiers complain they can be disciplined.


It’s by Design, it’s to demoralise the troops, this is why we NEVER used to allow Homosexuals into the Armed Forces, yes I know there were gay and lesbians in the Armed Forces BUT they had to pretend they were not gay and lesbian or they’d have been Discharged, remember Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?

Now we have these Traitors in Washington DC who are doing everything to destroy this nation DEMANDING that not only gay and lesbians serve but that also psychologically fucked up freaks serve who are so fucked up they don’t even know IF they are a man or a woman and who INSIST that men can get pregnant and give birth etc

China does not allow this and this is another reason why China is not fearing the American military.

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Below is a picture of RICHARD Levine before HE became an OPEN Transvestite. That’s HIS wife and kids, WTF the young boy must be so CONFUSED now, it wouldn’t shock me if Levine Jr didn’t end up a Spree Killer or a Serial Killer, I mean so many Spree Killers and Serial Killers have had at least ONE seriously fucked up parent.


That maybe fun in the shared showers.

@Lucy, America is spending 767 billion on our military to China’s 245 billion….

The difference is that the US (for a host of reasons) is waning while China is waxing….

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