Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema QUITS Democratic Party

In rather surprising news Senator Kyrsten Sinema has announced that she is quitting the Democratic party. Even though she has stated she will continue to vote the same way, one has to wonder where this latest defection is leading too. All indications has to point to the fact that maybe she might be seeing something that the general public is not privy to and thus her conscience has brought her to such a decision. When considering that she didn’t endorse the fraudulent Katie Hobbs who by most perceptions cheated in her election bid to become governor of the state, there seems to be a major shift going on as a result of lack of trust by the general public.

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I wonder if this is the beginning of a new movement in your country to challenge the two party system?

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Never thought of that actually. She is claiming to be an independent now, so its quite possible that more and more people are registering as such. We always flirted with a third party such as Tea Party, the Libertarian Party, The Green Party, and now perhaps the MAGA party although the latter is more or less defections from the republican party.

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I don’t think the status quo will be any longer for American politics.

Maybe. I know a lot of Americans who think the country has already been lost that it won’t matter who we vote for. That is the dangerous part.

Uncontrolled immigration is what is costing America sovereignty. The same with Europe

I know! Its fked up and just within a few years (less than 2) America will no longer be a sovereign country. We are being betrayed by our own leaders.


It is all baked in the cake.

Its not just America, but Europe too. they just got a head start over the US.