Are We Back Online?

@asaratis just wanted to give you a heads up…

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I thought it was something I did :joy:

I was using another forum. “Can I mention the name”. It’s super hard core; a throat ripper. Nothing is sacred. Makes Stormfront look PC.

WOW , that was bad !!! Glad to be back ! Much appreciated @Patriot.


Anything like that, that is allowed to stay online, is likely a honeypot and you should use at your own risk.

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I had almost given up. I thought the Brain Police had come

maybe they did I was back on H forum long enough to get suspended for two days.


I’ll bet that ■■■■ is one of them! :innocent:


Just start typing your usual shit with the preview window open. Censored words will appear as ■■■■ . (a small BLOCK replaces each character.)


are just a few.

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I thought for a while that the rapture had happened and I got left behind! :innocent:


What about the acronym BS? Is that going to be called avoiding the censor? Like on H forum?

Bullshit! Works for me. :sunglasses:

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I was just hassled for “BS” on H forums avoid the censor, because it allowed it.

I don’t mind curse words or dirty words being removed, I actually support that, but BS should be legal.

I am more concerned about bad jokes and dark humor, like saying “Tammy Duckworth stumps for Biden.” or saying “Tammy Duckfeet”. which I was just suspended on H forum for mocking a wounded warrior —of course I totally respect wounded warriors, but when they become traitors as Tucker Carlson pointed out, I think they no longer deserve that heightened respect. But obviously I am making bad, off-color jokes and should be taken that way.

H forum is completely overrun and worse than ever, with new leftist totalitarians mods and users. I’m sure it has to do with advertiser coalitions.

It is legal…especially on the floors of Congress! They lie with impunity.


You can do that with most all words
Fcuk - eff off - FFS - WTF - second word is off - Usual suspects - POS - bovine excrement
They are only words but it would be useful to know which ones are verbotten and are acronyms included - it’s all bollox - they’d have to ban the alphabet.
Wonder if I just got myself a first strike LOL.


Serving doesn’t make one a hero.

Being wounded doesn’t make one a hero or a patriot.

Using either/both as a shield against criticism is gutter low.

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Glad that PB is back . Been away for awhile but not on other sites.I hope the word police aren’t to tough.


You can bet your last peso that any changes @Patriot makes will improve this bastion of free speech. Some words are off limits, but that will improve one’s vocabulary and ability to use synonyms.

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More crazy

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It’s the absolute worst and such an insult to it’s ultra conservative host. I got hassled for POS, so I changed it to POJ :roll_eyes:

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You mean like the pigskin bus pulling into tuna town?

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