Apple isn’t Woke

The church of woke ideology of progressivism can be extrapolated and compared to the current scrutiny happening to Tim Cook’s hypocrisy as it applies to the entire Apple China relationship. In case you been stuck in a car in a snow storm and overdosing on drinking soy milk, protests in China over COVID lockdowns had erupted after a fire broke out in one city killing women and children locked inside their homes. As a result of these tragic events almost every city in China began protesting and calling for President Xi Jinpeng to resign. Chinese customers and owners of Iphone were using the Airdrop feature which allows Iphone users to communicate with other Iphone users without having to have cellular service. Tim Cook authorized disabling the feature in order to acquiesce to the CCP demands asan attempt to silence protestors which is now causing many to call out the CEO for his double standards especially when he is known to make public statements about being about humanity, freedom, being inclusive and all that crap; you know the usual buzz words being used with fake platitudes to create illusions.

Now the White House as well is coming under fire due to the recent revelations of their interference with Twitter when it relates to their suppression of releasing information such as the Hunter lap top story during the 2020 Presidential election, but are now ominously silent when it comes to Apple and their cozy relationship with China as it relates to the latest development of protests and what Tim Cook did indicating the obvious double standard.

Tim Cook is no Steve Jobs, in fact he is a vulture scavenging off the late founder’s bones and is betraying America in the process. He is deserving of nothing but contempt for his blatant hypocrisy!

Here is an interview with Martha McCallum trashing John Kirby

Joe Rogan explaining in exact terms how Apple products are made and why Progressive are hypocritical morons when they use these same products to lodge their complaints on social media.

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Me and my wife were debating this topic and she thinks Apple is going to lose substantial stock value and market share as a result.

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You are not still in China are you?

It’s a shame. Apple products helped my generation get online with their simple designs and easy to use interface. I’ve never cared for their politics but I do like their products. They don’t change much and I don’t have to learn anything new. It would be hard to break free from them but at this point I may have to look at other options. They aren’t getting any more business from me.

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Apple is a leftist company that makes overpriced trash. Their products are shoddily made, overpriced, and designed to be obsolescent. They treat their customers poorly, with arrogance and contempt. And their political views are leftist to the core. Apple is a company that represents everything that is wrong with the modern world. Their products are overpriced, their customer service is terrible, and their political views are profoundly misguided. I would urge everyone to avoid doing business with them. There are better companies out there that share your values and respect your intelligence. Do not give your hard-earned money to a company like Apple.


What are you talking about? Apple is one of the most successful companies in the world, and it is often lauded for its innovative products. Its phones, tablets, and computers are some of the most popular and well made devices on the market, and each new release seems to generate excitement, anticipation, and significant revenue. Apple has a long history of first-of-their-kind products, from the original iPod to the iPhone and iPad. And, while other companies have followed suit with similar products, it is widely accepted that Apple was the trailblazer in each category and remains the market leader.

I would ask you the same thing because while admitting that may have been true in past years that is no longer the case. I know because I regularly use their products and I have noticed a serious downgrade in the quality of their products in recent years such as their Laptops and some issues with their later I-phones. Ever since they moved some of their operations to China for their laptop manufacturing is when their quality started to go down hill.

As far as being a market leader, I am not sure I would agree with you on that, as I indicated and expressed to you in a previous post, Apple has lost considerable market share in China when it comes to their I-Phones due to Domestic brands outperforming Apple both in cost and options. It will continue to get worse for Apple too as more and more competitors offer more cheaper options with less the headaches of their arrogant customer service and the constant changes of certain interfaces such as cables, adapters and discontinuing support for older models is something that is unique only to Apple which IMO is one of their weaknesses.

The thing that makes Apple so appealing is their stable operating system, especially for doing graphics and video production as opposed to their PC counter parts. However Apple as it is, is indeed over priced and most of what they manufacture is also on the backs of poor people being exploited for cheap labor, and if you are OK with that then you have no room to complain about social issues like labor and making a living wage. The main point of this OPED is not so much to talk about the quality of Apple which is debatable in present tense, but the double standard in which they project as being a company that doesn’t really care about people but only bottom line profit.

And just like I said Apple’s market share is shrinking so much that now they are moving their I-phones production out of China. So much for being the most popular huh?

Beside the bullshit WSJ sugar coating things, Apple understands the writing on the wall, that revenue loses are coming.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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No. Got out before the tanks rolled in. Back in HK.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s already done before they can say Apple! Liberals piss in their bed!

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Tim Cook in damage control! This is a PR stunt!

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