Good grief you cannot make this stuff up! Your claim that he did indeed mention a race and/or a country has been completely debunked by the links you provided!
I didn’t say he mentioned a specific race or a specific country. Why does that matter?
That is why I posted the tweets. He told those 4 US citizen women to go back to their countries. Their country is the USA.
What happen to free speech? Do you not believe in that anymore? You are such a wonderful person so why allow yourself to be flustered by what the president says? You should be planting flowers or something to keep your mind off of it!
Thank you for your contribution again! The popcorn tastes good! Would you like some?
Point to me where I said the President couldn’t say what he did? I am probably a bigger. 1A advocate than you are.
Nope can’t be true! I am against people who blatantly tell lies, there is a difference! Calling out BS is not being against free speech!
So then you must be against the President, therefore according to the President, you hate America and should go back to your country.
Not at all! Seems like you are consumed and fixated so much that you have to repeat yourself repeatedly! I ask you how does that benefit you? You like to drink poison in hoping that it will affect others but it only affects you, don’t you see the irony?
Interesting. You said you are against liars but not against the President. Interesting.
You go with that buddy! I’ll remain sipping my scotch watching you and others like you twist themselves into a pretzel to defend this President.
No one is twisting Brother! I am enjoying the show by you! It’s great entertainment watching you do mental gymnastics and contorting with endless conflations to the point you can’t say “backwards”! Thank you so much, I love you!
You should get you some Jesus!
Does anybody need further proof why these women of the jihad squad shouldn’t be in their elected positions when they act like this? This latest pathetic display by Talib only validated Trumps past remarks about these vile pos’s!