AOC Bitch 'Squad' Refers to Trump as 'Occupant' of White House and Calls Him Racist

You are very much welcome! Have a great day!:smiley:


Oh look! Google is now changing search results to cover for Omar!


This Twatter feed says it all! Trump is brilliant!

He didn’t and did he even mention a country? I don’t think so and those witches that were born in this country can “go back” to their districts and fix them as Omar can “go back” to Somalia and fix that hell hole!


Looks like he realised he maybe overstepped a line, a rarity from him.

Naa! You are not seeing the bigger picture, and of course you wouldn’t you are from Britainstan and not American so how would you see it? You have no idea!

It’s not complicated, his advisors screamed at him to walk it back.

Don’t worry, he’ll do it again either in a tweet or at a rally. Did exactly the same thing with “lock her up”.

Yeah right because you are free to assume what is being said behind close doors as you were there to witness it right? You are just trying make up your own shit to suit your anti Trump perception! You don’t have a clue how this plays into larger perspective, but let me stop you from your TDS indulgences! Meanwhile your own country is turning into cuckrstan and I suggest tending to your own garden before opining on others like a nosey neighbour peaking over the fence!

She swells with pride every time she says “Al-Qaeda”. No doubt she wishes for “Death To America” just like the worthless Iranians chant daily.

This incestuous Muslim bitch should be in prison, not in Congress.


Yes he did… it’s in his tweet.

You obviously didn’t read it, so why comment?

He doesn’t but you do?! Hahahahaha

I’ll comment if I want to on any topic, don’t like too freaking bad go pound sand :angry:

Since you know so much exactly what race or country did he tweet?

Islam is a theocracy, NOT a religion. It should be recognized as such, understood to be in opposition to our Constitution and the rights guaranteed therein, and prohibited from being practiced in this nation.

We have no-go areas right here in the United States where Sharia Law is practiced, our police are not allowed to intervene, female genital mutilation is common, honor killings occur…it’s the rules of a demented pedophile, goat-fucker, Muhammad, who died almost 1400 years ago.

Today’s Islam is a group of truly sick people following the teachings of a truly sick false prophet who ingrained in his followers the avowed goal of converting or killing the rest of the world.


Is your google broken?

I think you really should stop trying to make this about race. But, hey miss the bigger message and double down on it being about race. No one really cares except people who are consumed with seeing racism everywhere they look.

I will say again, if woman with Swedish heritage was bad mouthing the United States as a congresswoman he would have included her as well.

What is disgusting are the congresswomen.

Because the only places worth living are the places that white people built.

Let’s forget about race then…

Should US citizens be told to go back to their country if they disagree with the direction of the country?

But he has never said that to Swedish Americans. He’s never told Bernie Sanders or Eliz Warren to go back to their countries.

Do you know the history of that phrase?