Anarcho Capitalism

We’re bored and quarantined. You’re getting off easy, try calling yourself DirtyChomsky.

Haha, I never liked him anyway

Fuck Noam Chomsky. Ayn Rand and Hoppe are better.


were triple your mercy and intelligence. You are kooked out and already advocated murder, so what you say is poison without a complete renouncement of your existing derangement.

Communists dont deserve human righths and again, I dont want to kill people just cause theyre different than me. I want to kill them because they will tread on others rights.

Yes, communists are murderers.
I can’t agree more.
They are killers of humans and human dignity.

History has proven it for over 100 years.

Pinochet did nothing wrong. All I am saying.

Also, I dont want to kill people on skin.

Who’s going to legalize drugs.

I suppose you’ll say that all things will be legal. Well, that would include murder. What’s to stop the existing Cartels from killing anyone who buys drugs elsewhere?

You’re delusional.

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I think many drugs are legal in Holland.
Holland (or more precisely the Netherlands) is a land of extremes.
Maybe they will be willing to test the ANC

Missile Launchers. All gun models will be legal. Why Fuck with guy who has a missile launcher

You’re delusional.


I find it funny how you think I am unhinged, insane. Do you want the definition of insanity, doing the samethinf over and over again to no avail. You want to keep a constantly failing system, Democracy delays the inevitable in government, autocracy. Youre methods have failed, and now I experiment.

The “deep state” huh…:thinking:

I believe the Deep State is just a controlling Oligarchy. Dont know what he thinks. PS, how am I the most culturally left here and I believe Leftists dont deserve human rights.

A prime example of that is your incessant posit that things would be great if everyone had a missile launcher.

You are one fucked up dude!

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I still proved you wrong, and my idea would have success I promise you.

Well why aren’t you out there in your state of anarchy right now? There are plenty of opportunities all over the country for you to participate in your little anarchy experiment. Problem is, you have absolutely no balls. Instead of living in a state of anarchy you choose to sit in the comfort of your parents basement and shitpost.


heh heh Now I’m thinking a better moniker might be Ayn Rambo


I dont live with my parents and I dont have the money.