An Alternate Theory About Trump's Motivation To Cave

I call it TDS.

It ain’t over 'til it’s over. That’s why I will watch this chess game play out over the next few weeks. One of the main symptoms of TDS is to declare Trump a failure before the chess game has finished playing out.

Now what would a real cave look like?

With a real cave Trump would fully fund the government until September with no wall funding. Trump would then concede that he has no path forward and would whine that DEMs are preventing him from building his wall.

Any objective person who has been following Trump for the last 30 or so years, fully understands that this is simply the opening round.

On the other hand, those with TDS are blinded by their hatred of Trump.

I don’t think the wall issue is over. Of course it’s not. But on the government shut down, he caved.

He said he would not open the government without his funds.

He did not get teh funds, but he decided to sign a bill opening the government.

You may prove correct - he might get his finding yet. We’;; see.

Can you tell me - since you seem to be a strong supporter of President Trump - is there a real plan? What will he do with teh money? Will he be replacing all the fence with wall? Where will he start? What about the private property issues? Is there a plan?

I think it would be beneficial for you to dissuade yourself of the notion that being a supporter of border security does not mean you are a Trump supporter.

As a conservative, is it possible for me to have supported something Obama said or did. Yes, it is. That doesn’t make me an “Obama Supporter”.

One of best thing that Obama did was ended some sales of military hardware to police…sadly Trump reversed it.

And, I am not going to call you an Obama supporter because you agreed with something he did.

What gave you the impression that I hold that notion?

I was asking specifically about Trump’s plan for the money he wants. I was hoping a Trump supporter would be familiar with his plan and could point it out to me.

I favor border security. I actually don’t know anyone of an political stripe who doesn’t, either in my own life, or in the political world.

My issue is, I don’t really understand what trump is planning to do. During the campaign, he talked about a wall on the whole border. Which is idiotic. HE also talked about Mexico paying fo it. Also dumb.

But lately he’s been talking about fences, and shorter mileages…I just don’t know what he’s going to do, so it’s impossible to know if I support it or not.

Is he planning to convert the 800+ miles of fence to ‘wall’? Or is the ‘wall’ strictly for the few miles that has no fence or natural barrier?

Do you know?

I agree wholeheartedly with this.

Why did you assume, based on the post you replied to, that he is a Trump supporter?

I didn’t base it on just that post - I based it on a number of posts he has made regarding Donald Trump.

Am I mistaken? Perhaps I confused him with someone else?

Why are you concerned about this?

Same reason as you just gave.

Don’t be agreeing to much with me lib…you’re going to ruin my reputation.

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A number of my posts give you the impression that only trump supporters are for border security?

Ultimately, there is more agreement than disagreement among americans. The media profits from making us all think that is not so. And therefore, many start to believe that instead of the truth.

In my opinion.

That wasn’t the question I asked you.

Trying (unsuccessfully) to “Win Friends and Influence People” :roll_eyes::wink:

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Same answer. I didn’t. I’ve read a number of his posts and believe him to be trump supporter.

What do you care so much? Will he be offended to be called a trump supporter?

As I said, it would behoove you to separate people from their support of actions and policies vs. supporting a person.

Unless, of course, calling someone a Trump supporter is supposed to be some kind of an insult on your part?

I’m not sure what you are talking about, or why you are so invested in getting between me and the poster who I asked a question of.

Nor do I appreciate you suggesting I intended an insult where clearly none was given.

I don’t think you are reading my posts very clearly. There is nothing in them that suggests insult.

Then don’t engage with me.

What you appreciate or don’t is of no concern to me. I have no doubt you intended insult. Nor do I have any doubt me calling you out on it set you back a few steps.

I am reading your posts clearly. Not just what you say but what you imply. You do mean to insult. You just think those here are just too stupid to see it.

You strike me as some kind of internet cowboy dickwad with nothing better to do but but his nose into a message board conversation with the hopes of puffing his scrawny chest out in the virtual reality of the web trying to sound intelligent and tough. Meanwhile, you come off like an A-1 douche.

That is what an insult sounds like.