Amish Farmer Coming Under Attack by Government Tyranny

This story is more or less symptomatic of the abuse of power that our Federal and state Governments regularly practices. Now this! What the issue at heart here is not so much about FDA approval, but having control over people on how they conduct their business relating to offering healthy alternatives to the industry standards of processed food products that is regularly sold on the open market. There are many questions raised with this story in the bigger perspective such as shouldn’t people decide for themselves which foods to buy including private sales from organic farmers such as these? Aren’t foods being sold on the current market that is supposedly FDA approved getting people sick? (Of course they are!)

The Government is poisoning our water, our food, our air and why? So their big donors such as the Pharma industry has plenty of demand to treat man made illnesses for the sake of profit. Think about this last part for a sec and look at the bigger picture right now!

This is one man’s story who by example is illustrating how this issue is going to continue to spiral out of control if the authoritarian state continues on its trajectory of gaining more control over our lives.


The role of Government is to keep everyone dumb weak and always sick.

That isn’t really the role of government… it’s just what government has become… unfortunately for the world.

Do you remember food tasting different 30, 40 years ago? There is plenty of incentive for Government to poison its citizens when considering the biggest lobbyist of DC is Big Pharma. Its a semiotic relationship.

Its started of course with Nelson Rockefeller and his cancer causing vaccines.

Modern illnesses that weren’t around when I was young:

Auto immune Diseases

Just to name a few as I am sure there are many more and much deadlier one such as Aids.

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Then what is their role suppose to be? When was the last time they served the people?

The government is ‘we the people’. We “elect” (lol) people to represent us in our states, counties and cities, as well as nationally to serve the will of the people. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been like that in a very long time… if ever. The role of government is not to keep everyone dumb, weak and sick, it’s just that it’s been corrupted do exactly those things for personal gain and power.

In theory only. Man is flawed and there never was a government by “We the People” It was always just a idea.

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