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LMAO, so my record is intact. I can’t think of a single black person I hate.

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American politicians are cultishly obsessed with black people.

Blacks are 13% of the population and get 90% of the attention. The political power of blacks is totally exaggerated.

They are being used as props for the bourgeois liberals to virtue signal their holiness to their other rich idiot friends

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I certainly don’t believe black people have any political power…:man_shrugging:

Enforcing the law is white supremacy.

Nothing like putting your racism and bigotry right out there for god and everybody to see like so many others here.

Hate is good.

Pretending you can solve everything with cuddles and Carebear stares is why we’re all in this mess.

You can not love if you can not also hate.


Of course… though, I don’t really give a rats ass what you think. My history with most of the folks here has been clear from well back to our Hannity days. My family is extremely mixed and that’s exactly why I despise racism and I despise morons that latch onto it and cheapen the real meaning. When you stand here and call me a racist with zero proof, racism loses its meaning. Then when something real happens to my niece, it gets ignored because idiots like you have called everything under the sun racist and no one cares anymore. Essentially, you’re just a fucking troll that isn’t worth another second of my time. Have a nice life, bigot.

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Oh dear, not sure what to make of that but are you saying that hating black people helps you to love others…:thinking:

Well you sure have spent a lot of time and energy the last couple days contradicting that. Put me on ignore again…:man_shrugging:

Much better… life’s too short to read garbage from trolls. :smiley:


There is a time to love and a time to hate, it is in the Bible

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For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction…universal law of physics…for one to exist, it’s equal opposite has to also exist, or there is nothing, no up without down, no left without right, no love without hate.

You think that’s referring to hating black people…

So now the conversation has migrated to promoting hatred of black people…:thinking:

No - it’s always been about hating white people.

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You hate white people? Isn’t that self defeating…

What a shitty and transparent deflection. Try harder.

Nothing says Speaking Truth To Power like the World’s Richest Man doxing his customers for disagreeing with him about supporting Black-on-White Murder Riots

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