Both parties are to blame for the decision to not use adequate birth control.
The little boy who walks away should be heavily penalized for his decision.
The little girl that makes the decision to abort should also be held responsible for her decision.
The amazing thing in the US people wait years to adopt a baby. I went over seas where they chose not to kill their children. Paid the costs and have a wonderful daughter today.
The foreign government cared about my ability to care for the child, physically as well as monetarily now and in the future as well as provide an education in the future.
Agree, obviously the ideal would be not to get pregnant in the first place. Take precautions and if they fail, the morning after pill is good for 72 hours. Also don’t screw around! Simple. If accidents happen in a committed relationship, it’s easier to figure out a way.
Going through a pregnancy and giving birth is no walk in the park. The man can piss off leaving the woman to go through it all alone with no money and little means of earning money. That is what women are scared of. Many say adoption is a way, technically yes, but in practice it would be an extremely hard thing to do to give up your baby. The bond between mother and baby formed during pregnancy is like no other. Hence women choose abortion over adoption mostly, if they are pregnant and have little means of being able to care for a child.
To change women’s attitudes, you have to change men’s attitudes firstly. Blankly pointing the finger at women is addressing the symptoms, not the cause.
No, many abortions happen because both parties are irresponsible. Not having money was a condition before the deed was done. Not having support should had been something both parties already had discussed ahead of time.
That’s a great excuse… if there weren’t people willing to pay you to have the kid and pay your medical expenses so they can adopt that child. . . that said, “Men” need their asses kicked for not taking care of their kids as well.
Unfortunately in the US abortion is just another method for birth control for women. Seems most have zero conscious or second thoughts about their choice.
But it’s all about reproductive rights and not about the baby, person, fetus they are killing. Where did we lose our moral values?
It’s interesting to go through the adoption process. Thy examine every facet of your life yet the very worst of our society can spit out a kid tomorrow without a second thought.
Dr. Leana Wen of Planned Parenthood is upset about the High Court’s decision to allow IN to proceed with requiring that fetal remains either be cremated or buried. Leana Wen, president of Planned Parenthood, believes giving aborted babies a proper burial or cremation will “stigmatize abortion care.”
In other words Dr. Leana Wen does not see these aborted babies as human beings. And there is where the problem lies.
Roe VS Wade has a built in safety net. All it would take is for Congress to decide when life begins.
Legal Definition of Death . An individual is dead if the individual has sustained either: irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions; or. irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem.
So in other words Congress should define Life. If they did then most abortions would be illegal.