Alyssa Milano calls for a Sex Strike

Would they also be libs by any chance? :joy:

I wonder if that former congressional candidate realizes the implication of what she said…“Don’t let them anywhere near you. Give them the hand and keep it moving.” So…thats a new headline…In Response to the New Georgia Abortion law, Former Florida Congressional Candidate Calls for More Handjobs"

Yeah, good luck with that. You’ll have people like my wife that when she reads this article, will attack me just to spite that moron. I love how these twits think they’re relevant and that someone is going to pay attention to them.

Here’s the thing little girl. It’s a BABY and it’s MURDER. Just like Democrats claimed black people weren’t human beings so they could continue to hold them as slaves, they’re claiming babies aren’t human beings so they can continue the assault on blacks who represent a huge number of those abortions. Margret Sanger would be proud.

Bull dykes have no problem boycotting sex with men…liberal or conservative.

What the heck does that even mean?: “Until have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy”.

Women have legal control over their own bodies; it goes like this: buy a condom, get an IUD, take the pill or keep your damn legs closed.

What she should have said is:

Until women take personal responsibility over reproduction, we cannot rely on abortion at any stage of pregnancy as a form of birth control.


How many Conservative bull dykes do you know of? :stuck_out_tongue:

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There is always back up too in the morning after pill, say if the condom splits or if he splits it on purpose.

However, in a wanted pregnancy, things can go wrong and tests do not show till later on, for example, the Nuchal test for Down’s Syndrome cannot be done till 12-13 weeks.


I was speaking of the men.

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Whoopi Goldberg proud of her 7 abortions . :grimacing:

Her boycott would affect not 1 man on the planet.

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But should we have the right to life over death? So say the fetus tests positive for Down’s Syndrome. What gives any of us the right to kill that baby? Many children today with Down’s Syndrome grow up to lead productive lives.

We have seen that once given an inch they take a mile. Now it’s abortion up to the time of birth and if abortion is botched some are saying now that the Doctor does not have the right to save that child.

What’s next, gender selection?


If we were to stipulate that you can go ahead and kill babies that have downs syndrome and kill babies that were the bi=product of rape ad incest, would that suffice? All other abortions could then be illegal?

When I was a kid Alyssa Milano was by far one of the sexiest and most attractive women on TV.

Today thanks to her politics the last thing I would want to do with or around her is even think of, much less have sex.

She’s a used up TV has been trying to work herself into relevancy again by being a leftwing political hack who probably couldn’t get laid in a bar full of drunken sailors unless her mouth was taped shut.

IF we start accepting that level of eugenics we’re less than two generations from legalizing the killing of babies for any reason whatsoever or no reason at all.

That is very dangerous ground to tread.

No I am not expressing any opinion, just stating medical facts. Not having been in that position, I am not arrogant enough to judge.

Down’s can now be detected early in the first trimester by a simple blood test.

Most children with down’s syndrome are productive due to outside assistance. If a family wants to keep a child that is predetermined to have a huge risk for a defect or severe regressive genetic trait, then the burden should be on the family and the family alone to provide the support.

Unfortunately, too often these days the burden gets passed on to other people. I worked in fast food for longer than I wanted, and my local government had this brilliant plan of subsidizing the employer half of the wage of an employee who couldn’t handle the task at hand, due to their mental or physical deficiencies. Where do most of those people end up working? Minimum wage jobs. Right where I was at. When they couldn’t get the job done properly and timely, who got the rest of the burden? Me. I had to work almost twice as hard for the same pay, while my boss got the kickbacks. All the while, the political prostitutes got to virtue signal about how great their plan was in supporting people with disabilities, yet not a single one of those bastards would be willing to put in the extra effort.

If the family can support the child, they can do what they want. If they can’t, they have no right to put the burden on other people. Because all they’re doing is stepping on the backs of others to get what they want.


I have a friend whose Down Syndrome daughter is a respected teacher.

only someone with serous mental health problems would kill their own baby because the poor thing had down syndrome but unfortunately we have some sick people out here so the sane people need to make sure their are laws in place that protect the baby’s of mental ill people