Aside: the Babylon Bee should use that picture to have some anti-smoke campaigner lecturing a cannabal about the evils of smoking.
Instead of kicking this woman out AOC answers her question. Why didn’t anyone say anything to her and have her removed?
Because AOC is nothing more than a paid actress who auditioned for a role that was advertised by the Justice Democrats. She has been trained to agree and provide canned answers to anything that sounds supportive of the Green New Deal.
My take on AOC’s expression: she’s wondering how she can get a person even she thinks is crazy to just sit down and not key her car later.
Had there not been academics talking about cannabalism this trolling wouldn’t have worked this well.
She just responded. Making excuses.
If they eat the babies, how will the Democrats traffic all the children?
They could eat the late term and heartbeat aborted babies and fetuses.