Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Goes Full Retard

Indoctrination vs. education

Never heard of this guy, but he is very good:

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When the Watermelon is so Red inside that the Greens can’t handle you…

“It’s our ww2”

I would bet she could not answer a half dozen high school test questions about ww2. (Talking about when high school taught children instead of indoctrinating them.)

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Notice NOT ONE lib media outlet is reporting how she hid close to a million dollars of campaign money.

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Walmart employees are paid below minimum wage, lol.

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What is interesting to me is the twatter reaction to her possibly facing jail time! Its indicative of Democrats not being held to account. Well… we will see if she has her party’s support, one in which probably wants to get rid of her for taking things a bit too far, so this might be a case of Demo’s eating their own.

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Yes, your video.

AOC said it and I was laughing about it hence the LOL.:wink:

I mean a link that it doesn’t pay minimum wage lol. Sorry should have been clear.

That goes without saying, all democrats generally are hypocrites, she just happens to be the new face of hypocrisy!

That is because there is no link other than AOC stating in the video you posted.

It is just another “fact” spouted by AOC which has no basis in reality.

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