These Dems with their impeachment nonsense are waking up a giant. They are writing a check that their ass can’t cash.
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He’s been inside the Democrat DC bubble for so long that he probably only knows what the yes men around him tell him.
How long has Mc Connell been around shrug…
What does that have to do with Adam Schiff getting booed?
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Drunken texts is never a good look!
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Schiff will now illegally have the protester(s) phone records subpoenaed.
December 15, 2019, 4:13pm
How long has Mc Connell
TOPIC ??? shrug…shrug…SMH
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Shifty will have all his tax returns under the IRS microscope.
We need to come to blows at this point. This country is getting so fucked up that we just need to rip the bandaid off and do this already.
December 17, 2019, 5:09am
Here’s the YouTube vid…I’m happy this happened in California. Gives me hope.
It looks like its reaching to other candidates too! The blow back is coming and Trump supporters are pissed! Glad to see this! It is long overdue!
Let me guess how much footage of that video will be shown on MSNBC, how many seconds of commentators talking about it will appear in the liberal fake news media…AND how much I care.