ActBlue voilate our LAWS

Foreign Gift Card Donations finance dems elections .

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

The Federal Election Campaign Act states in that any contribution by a foreign national to the campaign of an American candidate for any election, state or national, is illegal. Likewise, anyone who receives, solicits, or accepts these contributions also violates the statute.

Another dem organization knowingly violating the law, accepting foreign donations, spending the money in support of Harris and Dem candidates . Laundering foreign money to support Demorats! The New World Order . ActBlue has a robust security program it managed to keep congress from investigating their illegal donations. And donor cannot be identified.
Demorats launder all that Cartel cash paid to Dems for free use of our border?

We expect Wray to destroy any trail that leads to dem illegal activities here .