So what? They ruled the ACA Constitutional and it was UnConstitutional on its face. They ruled Citizens United Constitutional and it was also UnConstitutional on its face. It should bother people that they are making so many rulings anyway. At least half of the laws they’re ruling on should never have been allowed to have been written in the first place. What is the oath all legislators take before taking office?
If they are willfully writing laws they know are in blatant violation of the Constitution, shouldn’t they be removed from office? Why isn’t anybody doing that?
Where is the enumerated power for writing a law dealing with marriage? Gay or otherwise? Where is the enumerated power for writing a law dealing with political “speech”? Isn’t “speech” already covered under the 1st amendment? Why do we need another law?
Obama apologized to Mexico for that incident. Apparently we have a gentleman’s agreement not to patrol too close to the invisible line, and if we do THEY shoot.
None of this would have happened if we had gotten the wall that Mexico was going to pay for. Instead we got some weak ass fence in some areas but not all…because reasons. MIGA
Intentional harassment of our troops yes, “Act of War”? Don’t be ridiculous.
They crossed the Rio Grande, the border could not have been clearer with a 50’ wall.
I don’t get it. You recognize that the Mexican military knowingly crossed our border. After they crossed our border, they detained unarmed US soldiers at gunpoint. In what world is that not an act of war?
In ours apparently. If we had just conquered Mexico when we had the chance, this wouldn’t be an issue.
I am a US Marine.
I say replace soldiers with armed combat experienced Marines. Then let the mexicans try that shit!
In the EO that put them on the border, they aren’t allowed to be armed as it is a Defense Support to Civil Authority mission. It doesn’t matter who they put down there…if they’re in a military uniform they won’t be armed. Stupid.
Completely misses the point. Again.
Practicing your passive aggression again? Sounds like I am living in your head rent free enough to bother you to make another dumbass comment! Move on and get over yourself!
So what was the point in posting they’re facing charges, hotshot? Do you not agree with their right to defend the border as American citizens? Because I do.
" federal prosecutors crack down on civilians attempting to enforce immigration policy."
This cracks me up. Holding illegals for border patrol is enforcing immigration policy? More bullshit from the same Federal government that fails to do its job.
Mexico “meddling” in our immigration policy? You don’t say?
How about taking a few offshore oil platforms in the gulf? That would pay for a wall easily.
That’s not accurate. The federal ban is lifetime. Some states have provisions allowing the restoration of rights but due to the supremacy clause it has no affect on the federal loss of rights.
And you are in error. Felons are not “The People” they are specific subset of the population convicted of felonies.
All rights, even the right to life may be taken constitutionally through due process of law in the courts.