What do addiction and mass shooters have in common? Both types overwhelmingly have serious mental issues that were never addressed.
Real mental issues:
Love of Israel and belief in false flags it constantly perpetrates.
Did anyone catch what Beto has been saying?
Let’s just “try” to stop shootings with laws in place to make sure you will never get your guns back lol this fucking asshole is a tyrant.
This dude is the worst personality shill I’ve seen since Pierce Morgan
It’s all about trying to grab our guns. So, change the narrative! Where are the missing millions in Baltimore? Why aren’t the killings in gun-free zones addressed?
Fox reporting next shooting 23 minutes before it actually happened!
It’s all Deep State fakery.
Events that happen which goes against the Leftist Doctrine, are either not reported or hidden somewhere in FINE PRINT in newspapers.
Would the Liberal enablers of the press actually report on any ineffectiveness of Liberal Reps or Sens???
Amazing how its always the fault of the gun,rather than the MENTAL STATE of the criminal or the mistakes made allowing someone who shouldn’t be within eyesight of a gun purchase one.
You’re worse than all the national fake news media outlets put together. You’re one of the reasons my interest in this site is waning. Your bullshit seems to come up all too often.
I do wish there was a way to make you disappear for a thousand years. Where’s my Genie when I need her?
Oh, I have to congratulate myself then.
Why don’t you go to a Deep State site? I’m sure you’ll be welcome there.
No he wasn’t. Quit posting BS.
Wrong guy, wrong hometown and five years older.
Try again.
No they didn’t, they screwed up the time, not an uncommon era especially in an area that shares two different timezone.
Now you guys are screwing up TWO threads because the idiot posted this crap at least twice.
Physician Heal Thyself.
Hello Kitty Island Adventure is radicalizing people.
Blaming games is a better argument than blaming guns…but before blaming games, blame the movies, before the movies, blame the books that inspire them, before you blame the books, blame the weak culture that nurses this idiocy!
It’s the degradation of society starting with the break-down of the family. Nobody sees the importance of a strong nuclear family anymore. People think marriage’s primary function is to get tax breaks or to vow your love to somebody. It is about raising children in the proper environment. It is not courageous to be a single mom and it shouldn’t be praised. The lack of real dads is what we should be focused on, not guns!
I wasn’t blaming video games. Try reading what I actually wrote rather than what you imagine.
The discussion was about addiction as a factor and video games literally by design are highly addictive.
Both of these mutts telegraphed their sick intentions and true to form NO one did anything about it .
See something say something should apply to schools and blogs !!!
We don’t want to trample all over free speech in the process. We need parents to be parents. In both cases here the parents failed.