About The Mass Shootings

Tucker called out how the spiritual death of our society is what causes these mass shootings. A lack of community, which has been eroded by social media and consumerism, leads to a lack of philia to our own people, and when you have no love for your neighbor and no prospects in a society that sold your place to women and third world hordes, what else can you do but lash out?


That is a very salient point you make and is closer to the truth than anything read so far. We as a nation are very ill when Drugs, porn and the tech companies who enable and exploit addictive behaviours are allowed to replace any semblance of traditional values. The country as a whole becomes a perilous haven for a wretched species to spiral into chaos with no direction or guidance in sight!

Don’t leave the gaming industry out of that equation. They work hard on making their role playing games as addictive as possible and there’s a hell of a lot of people who seem to have lost their connection with reality because they spend so much time either actively playing them or thinking about them all day when they are not.

That’s ridiculous. I grew up playing videogames starting in the 80s and my wife is pregnant RIGHT NOW with our 4th kid. I still play games AND support my family…AND own a shitload of guns. I’m not a mass shooter and never will be. Many men just like me. It’s not the games.

And the games that were available in the 80’s are literally a world away from what we have today.

Not everyone becomes addicted either but that doesn’t mean millions are not or that the gaming industry isn’t working hard to make their games as addictive as possible.

Video Game Addiction is an actual identifiable problem.


In terms of graphics they were different but take a game like Contra. I killed tons of commies in that game. I played Wolfenstein on the PC and Doom too. Those were the first First Person Shooters. As the technology got better so did the games. I still play now. Probably logged a good 6 hours this weekend on Call of Duty. No issues. There are millions and millions of people who play video games. The percentage that go on to be mass shooters wouldn’t even be a rounding error.

They also had very little relationship to the real world.

The gaming companies have spent decades finding ways to specifically trigger the same addicting mental pathways as alcohol and addictive drugs.

Video games do not create mass shooters of well balanced/normal folks anymore than drinking a few beers or having a few mixed drinks turns us all into alcoholics.

There is a percentage however that lose their grip on reality and the desensitization to killing and charge felt by “winning” the first person shooter games can drive some over the edge.

This discussion wasn’t’ about how mass shooters are made by video games we were discussing addiction and the disconnect from reality.

More fake diseases for big pharma to dope people up with. Want to know the root cause? All the damn drugs. That’s the problem. You won’t see the politicians tackle that though. They would rather blame video games because it’s an age old talking point. Getting our kids off these drugs would be work and would cost them money, personally.

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The thing is you are from a different generation who I am guessing had parents that took time to raise you to having moral scruples and nurtured you to being a normal person. Today’s generation probably were not as lucky as you and add in social media in the mix and there are a myriad of other problems that contributes to the messed up newer generation where their addictive behaviours are being exploited and videos games is just part of the equation.

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Drugs is def part of it, but social media is also a huge part of it too that contributes to depression in the younger generation where peer pressure is on steroids with the use of Facebook and other social media sites!

A lot of kids/young folks today show visible signs of withdrawal when they are cut off from their electronic devices and social media.

If that isn’t a warning sign for parents that something is very wrong I don’t know what is.

When I say the country is sick, just have a look what drugs are doing to people!

This is more about what you are getting at!

Pretty well personifies the term “Human Wreckage” or “Self Inflicted destruction”.

Many of these addicts were deeply disturbed before the got onto drugs and completed the destruction.

What’s left one way or another will be a burden on the taxpayers for the rest of their lives in most cases even if they could be pulled off the streets, forced into treatment, and eventually cured of their addictions and having their mental illnesses managed.

Yeah let California foot the bill for their own mess as well as other states with this problem

Unfortunately that’s not going to happen as Welfare Dollars largely come from the Fed’s.

Well I am not sure I have the answers but I certainly can identify the problem and it’s not guns that we should be talking about! We need as country to start taking care of our own and start healing, and MSM is the cancer that is preventing that from happening!

If you’re concerned about demographic and cultural decline start having babies. Make a family.

But no, these manifesto-writing basement-dwellers pretend violence will work. That’s a lie. Their stupidity will only lead to more government, more legislation, and less freedom.


Most of these mass shooters couldn’t get laid on Saturday Night in Tijuana waving around a brick of 100’s.

One of the other commonalities shared by many of these basement dwelling losers is that they are “incel’s”, involuntarily celibate.