A Petition Worthy Of This Forum

Please give a read and consider this petition and any other like it as a small plug in the dike… er pardon the pun…


Pass this to other places you travel… It seems to be doing well as it has gone up almost 100 since I posted a few minutes ago…


Signed and bumped…

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I signed and got confirmation that I signed. I did decline the expected solicitation for a donation. I wonder if that takes my signing off the petition.


Did the same thing. Signed and bump. Should have checked first on signatures before signing to see it I was added.

Edit to add.

They did add my comment.


Edit to add again, did get confirmation through email.



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It’s doing quite well. When I signed it this morning it had 1983 so it is moving along… whether or not it moves any needles remains to be seen but being in the UK these are the kinds of things I can do…

Or we could just leave the federal government out of it, given that sooner or later a party one disagrees with will have control…

Well… we could… and likely should have some years ago but the fact is the attempt to add X times gender to the 1964 civil rights ask is a legislative expansion we do not need. Now I would much rather see a serious petition axing Titles II and VII of the 1964 civil rights act and give the individual the right of free association and with that the right to tell anything other than a he or a she to get a life and grow up…

At the end of the day, the federal government is neck deep in the issue of gender given that taxpayers are being pushed to hire these people as soldiers and pay for their life long after care…

Interesting, signed and sent Scott.


Yep - I signed too. Thanks for posting this.

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