A federal judge, a Trump appointee, has ruled against congressional Democrats who sought to temporarily stop the president from using military funds for a border wall.
Judge Trevor McFadden handed the president a big victory.
McFadden ruled that House Democrats cannot go to court to block Trump from using military funds to build the border wall “because the Constitution grants the House no standing to litigate these claims.”
This is a case about whether one chamber of Congress has the “constitutional means” to conscript the Judiciary in a political turf war with the President over the implementation of legislation. … [W]hile the Constitution bestows upon Members of the House many powers, it does not grant them standing to hale the Executive Branch into court claiming a dilution of Congress’s legislative authority. The Court therefore lacks jurisdiction to hear the House’s claims and will deny its motion,” the Judge ruled.
The House argued that this expenditure would violate the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution and usurp Congress’s authority.
The administration argued that the court cannot intervene “because the Constitution grants the House no standing to litigate these claims.”
“To be clear, the Court does not imply that Congress may never sue the Executive to protect its powers,” McFadden added.
It’s appalling and iniquitous at the same time, that even Congress says they can stop the President from doing the People’s work. And they say “No one is above the law”!
But yet, each and every day that goes by, they contradict each time. Which goes to show you that they have always been inept. From the beginning.
Back in the late 1990’s, I was visiting a friend in El Paso. He and I took a drive down to the border. He was telling me (and showed me) the end of the border near the Gulf of Mexico end. And how people were “just walking across” the border. Since there was a huge gap. It shocked me to see those illegals walking then. As they still do now.
This delaying attempt by democrats was doomed to fail from the start and they knew it, it’s just their way of furthering the turmoil and division over illegal immigration to keep it front and center in 2020.
First of all, the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, some of which dates back to 1994, together would cover about 580 miles of the nearly 2,000-mile border that stretches from San Diego, California, to Brownsville, Texas. So right from the get-go you are a liar when you say “There is no wall.”
Second, in April the Defense Department agency overseeing construction told Trump that 82 miles of new wall had been completed, although some say it is less than that.
Third, Congress in 2017 approved 40 miles of new and replacement wall. Those 40 miles of construction in San Diego, Calif.; Santa Teresa, N.M.; Calexico, Calif.; and El Paso, Texas, will be completed this month.
Last, thanks to the ruling in the OP, even more will be completed.
As usual, you are a proven liar. Why are you even in this forum if all you are going to do is lie.
EDIT: Oh, and then there is this, the private wall:
I suspect Libs use this as a prayer to their demon god while they thumb over their partner’s anal beads.
"There is no wall, there will be no wall, and Trump lacks his own party’s support for one.There is no wall, there will be no wall, and Trump lacks his own party’s support for one.There is no wall, there will be no wall, and Trump lacks his own party’s support for one. There is no wall, there will be no wall, and Trump lacks his own party’s support for one. There is no wall, there will be no wall, and Trump lacks his own party’s support for one. "
Trumps “BIG beautiful wall” concrete no less, will not materialize. It was funny when Trump was visiting the border, and one of the contractors embarrassed him by pointing out that a wall you can see through is a fence…
Pretty accurate but as I recall there was a total of over 820 miles built before Trump took office. Much of that was entirely inferior outdated, and our dilapidated and has to be replaced.
Last I saw from the Border patrol they were looking at 400 miles of new or improved secure barriers to be in place by the end of Next year. With the contractor doing the new rapid wall system they might even fare better if they can keep shutting the lawsuits down in federal court.
There’s no need to put a wall from the Gulf all the way to California, nor would it be practical due to all of the natural barriers so if they can get that 400 miles done in the next 18-20 months we’ll be well over halfway to goal.
Yep, campaign rhetoric is one thing but what you learn after taking office and talking to the guys on the ground will always change your perceptions if you’re honest enough to change your mind on anything at all.