911 was an inside job (by Khazarian mafia)

Many of us knew all this. Tarot is as good as its reader.
Bush is a crypto-Joo, according to Pastor Texe Marrs.
I can’t wait for the normies to see the light, finally

I saw this issue resurfaced recently by a video release by a Japanese tourist.

Ted Walter’s website link:

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Yes, bombs exploding in sync with the building collapse.

Here is David Lynch talking about his suspicions about 9-11.

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We don’t know exactly what kind of explosives were used to bring the Twin Towers down.

What we know for sure 100% is that the mainstream media is lying.

The further away you get from their lies and the gullible sheepdom, the closer you get to the truth.


At the time 9-11 happened, there was just what was reported to go on. As time has gone by and people have had time to researsh and put 2 and 2 together, It definiteny seems there is more than what we were told. No wreckage or debris from the Pentagon is extremely… strange.

The towers may very well have been brought down with some type of explosives, but how do you discount the portion of fusalage found at the south tower?

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The found an engine that supposedly belonged to one of the planes. But it turned out to be a wrong engine, which obviously was brought in during the night following 9-11, not right after.

Videos turned up (taken accidentally) which showed no plane. Buildings exploded from inside.

Owners of the videos were afraid to come forward, just like Abraham Zapruder who accidentaly filmed the scene of the JFK killing from the grassy knoll but was afraid and hid the film for many years.

There are too many inconsistencies to the official narrative for it not to be a conspiracy theory.

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