Plane will hit Twin Towers
There will be death
Fellow Hebrews, stay away
Thousands of Israelis Were Absent from the WTC on 9/11? |
Former Mayor Ed Koch was saying he received a note not to come close the WTC on a certain date in the Hebrew Calendar which only Joos could know to be 9-11. (Sorry, it’s hidden by Google and Microsoft Bing)
AA Flight 77 Was Lost From Radar For 36 Minutes, Then a Smaller Military Plane Appeared On Radar That Was NOT AA Flight 77.
According to the official account, the Pentagon was struck by AA Flight 77, under the control of al-Qaeda hijacker Hani Hanjour. Hanjour was known as “a terrible pilot,” who could not even fly a small airplane.
I do believe that 9-11 was an orchestrated event but the holographic theory is a stretch for me.
Like he is saying in this video, there was technology already available to create sound and even heat, in addition to visuals on empty space (in the sky, that is).
How many would have to be involved to pull this off and remain silent about it after all these years?
It may take more than one cat
The shadow government(s) possess technologies which are dozens of years ahead of average sheep.
Yes I understand this, but you can’t fake people dying or jumping out of buildings.
That was real. People died, sadly.
And millions more later in Iraq.
There was never any plane debris during the so called Pentagon attack!
I think they brought in small fragments of a passenger plane later. But never big pieces.
Near the World Trade Center, on the other hand, they found a jet engine a day or two later, which turned out to be the wrong one. Oh yeah, they found an Arab passport all right.
Okay… I’m listening. Give me some links to check out.
It’s so laughable.
What? Pieces that can be hand-carried only?
No engine or wing or human body parts?
It’s full of holes.
It won’t hold water, let alone jet fuel.
9/11: Engine that shot out of the south tower was NOT from a UA 767! : r/conspiracy (
How do they manage to bring in the parts without anyone noticing?
That’s what Secret Societies are for.
Secret handshakes and all that. Isn’t that cool?