65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient in Math

Because reading and mathematics take a back seat to anal and oral sex studies and LGBTQLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+. You can’t be proficient in what you’re not taught. (Plus certain student populations are probably very low IQ to boot…)

Sixty-five percent of the eighth graders in American public schools in 2017 were not proficient in reading and 67 percent were not proficient in mathematics, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress test results released by the U.S. Department of Education.

The results are far worse for students enrolled in some urban districts.

Among the 27 large urban districts for which the Department of Education published 2017 NAEP test scores, the Detroit public schools had the lowest percentage of students who scored proficient or better in math and the lowest percentage who scored proficient or better in reading.

Only 5 percent of Detroit public-school eighth graders were proficient or better in math. Only 7 percent were proficient or better in reading.

In the Cleveland public schools, only 11 percent of eight graders were proficient or better in math and only 10 percent were proficient or better in reading.

In the Baltimore public schools, only 11 percent were proficient or better in math and only 13 percent were proficient or better in reading.

In the Fresno public schools, only 11 percent were proficient or better in math and only 14 percent were proficient or better in reading.

Among the states, Louisiana public elementary schools did the worst in teaching students math and New Mexico public elementary schools did the worst job teaching reading.

In the Louisiana public schools, only 19 percent of the eighth graders were proficient or better in math and only 25 percent were proficient or better in reading.

In the New Mexico public schools, only 24 percent were proficient or better in reading and only 20 percent were proficient or better in math.

The Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics describes what it means to be “proficient” in math and reading.

“Eighth-graders performing at the Proficient level should…understand the connections between fractions, percents, decimals, and other mathematical topics such as algebra and functions,” says NCES. “Students at this level are expected to have a thorough understanding of Basic level arithmetic operations—an understanding sufficient for problem solving in practical situations.”

When it comes to reading, eighth-grade “students performing at the Proficient level should be able to provide relevant information and summarize main ideas and themes,” says NCES. “They should be able to make and support inferences about a text, connect parts of a text, and analyze text features. Students performing at this level should also be able to fully substantiate judgments about content and presentation of content.”

The NAEP math and reading tests are scored on a scale of 0-500.

The average reading score for an eighth-grade public school student on the 2017 NAEP test was 265. That was slightly above the average score of 264 that public school eight graders achieved in 2015, but slightly below the average score of 266 public school eighth graders achieved in 2013.

The average math score for an eighth-grade public school student on the 2017 NAEP test was 282. That was slightly above the average score of 281 in 2015, but slightly less than the average score of 284 in 2013.


Has anyone here actually tried to help their kid with that communist core homework?

It is the most convoluted asinine shit I have ever seen in my life.

I tried asking my next door neighbor who is a teacher for help with the homework and she doesn’t understand it.

I used to write notes to the teacher next to the questions when I was helping my kid with her homework “this question makes absolutely no sense, I have a college degree and I can’t do a third graders homework, what idiot with a PhD in stupidity thought this question up”

I had to stop writing notes on my kids homework because the ex-wife called me up and claimed the teacher was complaining that I was writing on my son’s homework.

My ex-wife is a blithering moron who couldn’t count to two without taking off her blouse. Her only attribute was blue eyes and big milkers.

Fortunately both the kids take after me. The kids are bored out of their minds with the stupidity.

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Nothing at all surprising here.

It was bad enough before kids started texting in a modern form of Pig Latin and symbology.

Low expectations gives completely predictable results.

Schools would rather advance their failures then hold them back and risk hurting their self esteem.

The schools are forced to pass blithering idiots that couldn’t bring in the shopping carts or stock shelves at WalMart because of stupid Dept of Uned policies.
When I was in school they didn’t care if you had gray hair when you graduated.

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A stupid, inexpressive, animalistic, drugged-up, genetically neutered, above-all passive society that is TOTALLY helpless & clueless without google - is easily controlled without much effort and ripe to fall at ANY time.

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Liberals want to give the Stone Age another chance. AKA Affirmative Action.

I attended parochial schools; but I could read, write, and do basic math before I started 1st grade at 5 years old. 4th - 5th grade, and we were reading Tolstoy, Plato, Chekov, all the classics. I never stopped. I have no doubt, by 6th grade I could have eaten todays high schools student alive.

Just another aspect of American decline @HonkHonk

Another area in which China is kicking the US’s ass.

But but but, no one left behind is good too. Even if our country flounders to the point of no return. It was once the best of the best. You produced or you went down in flames. https://youtu.be/eiRGRvE_Wqg?t=4

Take a second look at the students , any wonder ? Wait until the liberals get done dragging in all those 1st grade dumbbells from TURD World backward Countries . :mask: :face_with_head_bandage: :poop: :clown_face:

Maybe European countries have the right idea where the schools concentrate on academics instead of athletics.

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I’m just pointing out that the US is in serious decline in just about everything and there’s plenty of blame to go around.

China began a whole realignment a couple decades ago. Increasing literacy levels from under 50% to 99% has been one aspect of it.

I think that that’s a big contributing factor.

No one left behind, Affirmative Action, race card; where did all that come from? Just who is to blame for that? If you have the IQ of a doorknob, you have the IQ of a doorknob. And so concessions are made so feelings aren’t hurt. Then the country suffers because degrees are handed to people who cannot produce. But when reality is put on the table, out comes the race card or someone is said to be biased or prejudiced. If you understand basic math & can read & comprehend, you can educate yourself. To hand degrees or positions to people who are undeserving, is an insult to those who struggled to gain ground on their own.

You only mention a couple of things. The US has slipped from the number one spot on a whole host of issues, and there’s plenty of blame to go around as two party’s share control of the country alternatively. Blame the decline of America all on one party, it changes nothing. America is in decline, and China is rising.

The Liberal input in our public school system is destroying the foundation of our educational system. Priorities - Common Sense have long been ignored, in favor of PC.

Sorry, but republicans hold power alternately with democrats, so the blame for decline in EVERYTHING is shared. De Vos is running education presently, tell me how she’s improved things.