3rd trimester abortion law in NY State

Just wanted to discuss this topic. You will be hearing a lot about how the POTUS over-dramatized the NY law just passed on late Term abortion of a pregnancy. The actual wording is “Within the first 24 weeks or after 24 weeks if necessary to preserve the mother’s health or if the fetus isn’t viable.”

What changed was the addition of “or of the fetus isn’t viable” Also the new law not only allows NON_physicians or Non-Physician assistants to perform the procedure, but it also reinforces the immunity protections “healthcare workers” receive that protects them from any liability as long as they are judged to be “acting in good faith”

Who are these healthcare workers? Are they like Dental Hygienists? Jesus!

Anyway, the other thing I think needs defining (if it hasn’t already been defined in the fine print, something I haven’t read yet admittedly) is the phrase “if necessary to preserve the mother’s health.” I always assumed it was more like " if necessary to preserve the mother’s life" so I think we need to explore the minimum requirement of “mother’s health”. In my mind that could include a professional vegas Showgirl whose livelihood depends on her figure and since childbirth can cause a deformity in the size and shape of the Cervical opening in the female hips, it is a threat to her “health” ??

Any law that allows medical workers and mothers to decide if a child that has been born is allowed to die or live, or to decide to kill it…does nothing more than legalize murder. Whatever happened to “Do no harm”?

Changing “the mother’s life” to “the mother’s health” opens to door to allowing the death of the baby to prevent the mother having mental anguish. There are thousands if not millions of couples wanting to adopt children.

Dear Liberals,

If your right to an abortion means I have to pay for it, then you need to help pay for my guns, because I have a right to them.



It’s a good thing dems are AGAINST the death penalty ! :roll_eyes:

Why exactly are we talking about third trimester abortion AT ALL?

The time to be talking about “maternal health” is with a trusted practitioner, like a physician or nurse practitioner, before deciding to start a family.

Abortion is murder.

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I guess the Hippocratic Oath has become the Hypocritic Oath.


Agree that changing the terminology from mother’s life to mother’s health will open the door to abuse and killing viable lives.


If anyone is wondering why our creator would abandon mankind, this is it.




Does anyone remember what they said about Trump when “babies were being torn from the arms of their mothers” at our southern border? They compared him to King Herod the Great, who ordered the systematic slaughter of all male children 2 years and under in Bethlehem. “Massacre of the innocents”

DO YOU SEE WHAT THE LIBTARDS DO? IF that entire group were one person, it would be a 100% bonafide Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis for sure.

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Or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Definitely a personality disorder of some kind.



I had inlaws who went crazy, tormented over their “choice” to kill their unborn child.

That is so moving…

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What do you mean by “went crazy”?

You know there is a religious precedent that tells us that our “unborn” will be there to greet us in the afterlife. There is no clue to whether or not that will be a reunion or a fierce reckoning.

I only saw the surface. Ex wife’s grandmother. Ex said that after the abortion she was never the same. Spaced out, talking to an imaginary someone… sometimes arguing with them or herself, not sure. Wild eyed at times.

I was around her only a few times and - not being politically correct - i call the behavior crazy, tormented, mentally ill.