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More info on this with an update!

Crazy stuff , if the dummycrats don’t totally destroy the USA , W.H.O, will .

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Good news on that front!

🚨BREAKING: The World Health Organization (WHO) has failed to secure a global pandemic treaty at the World Health Assembly in Geneva. The proposed treaty aimed to grant the WHO more powers to manage global health crises, including the ability to impose lockdowns, vaccine passports, and mandatory vaccinations. However, negotiations stalled due to opposition from several countries, including the United States, Russia, and China. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the second-largest donor to the WHO after the United States, has significant influence on the organization. This influence could potentially sway the WHO’s decisions and policies. This setback is a significant blow to the WHO and its Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Despite the Biden administration’s support for the WHO and its efforts to manage global health crises, the failure to secure the global pandemic treaty is a clear indication of the challenges and divisions within the international community when it comes to global health governance.

What a nightmare that would be !!!

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Yeah, and I am sure they will try again with something else. Never sleep on your enemies should be the lesson learned after what we as a country is now facing! Evil never sleeps it just reinvents itself!


WHO has no authority to dictate U.S. health policy or to interfere in any nation’s sovereignty. Neither the accord nor amendments proposed to the legally binding agreement that defines countries rights and obligations during health emergencies, known as the International Health Regulations, would give the WHO control over how the U.S. governs domestic health policies.
194 countries, all of the member states of the U.N., would give up their sovereignty to the World Health Organization over healthcare, World Health Organization has now, or will have by virtue of these activities, any authority to direct U.S. health policy or national health emergency response actions.

The latest draft had proposed that WHO should get 20% of the production of pandemic-related products like tests, treatments and vaccines and urges countries to disclose their deals with private companies.

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Of course they don’t, however it was Bill Gates who tried to push this agenda forward in order to profit from endless vaccines and pandemics which in turn would also mean more control. The latter is what this is all about. CONTROL!

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The role of government in health care has expanded over the years and influenced political discourse and policy. The U.S. spends more per capita on health care than any other nation in the world.
Yet the measured outcomes of the care provided are no better than, and are often inferior to, outcomes achieved by other developed nations that spend substantially less. The federal role in health care has vasly expanded over the years . CONTROL , CONTROL ,CONTROL !!!

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