2024 POTUS Elections who you would vote for and why?

Who? image

If Trump doesn’t run, I would vote for Ted Cruz or Ron Desantis.

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excellent choices all three thank you. POTUS Trump did a great job with all the idiots in Washington DC I voted for him in 2020 and will again in 2024 Ted Cruz would be an excel VP, What we have now are two clowns both Sexual Perverts in what the actions have said and wow what an embarrassment for the USA

Do you have any illustration that shows they’re sexual perverts?

Can only post 1 at a time i)

Legs spread wide open Kamala Harris image

and now we know why pervert Joe Biden talks about Obama all thwe time image

Is this a real pic Jim. Or did you photo shop?



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King of copying and pasting from other sites.


I’m curious, since it didn’t “magically disappear” as Trump said it would, what do you think should be done to arrest this virus?

Fauci would have been fired by now if trump was president… and real scientists would have fixed this virus

Btw Mr. Z, Trump appointed Fauci as head medical scientist on his White House coronavirus task force. Never fired him, kept him to the end of his first and only term…After seeing all the efforts to curb Covid, any ideas on magic to make it disappear……

As you know trump was running for re election, and the media would have called for impeachment if he fired the loser Fauci.
And Democrats would have tried to impeach.

What does all this have to do with your thread topic???

They aren’t vaccines. Oh, and Trump only paved the way for ONE Covid shot.

Do you always have to lie?

Read dude The public hears what Trump says about a vaccine — and it seems to be creating more competence in the vaccines that will help save lives 1 shot will be needed and as scientist know this will not need boosters and additional shots it is 99 % effective based on polls that show [many Americans are skeptical of getting vaccinated-wow and the media said it was just Republicans If people won’t get the Covid-19 vaccine because they don’t trust it, all of the project’s accomplishments will be moot. Then asked by a reporter Kamala Harris will you take a shot? Her response fuck u if its from Trump no , We want to win the 2020 election

ist and only term? Ya you idiots tried to impeach POTUS and failed wait till 2022 and see what You say

Ya all know pervert Joe Biden

Can You Read?
Americas POTUS Trump not Biden