2020 Trump vs Biden Presidential Debate #1

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Highlights of the debate!

“China ate your lunch Joe” :rofl:

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Biden had a wire he adjusted before the debate and apparently an IV going into his wrist.


Trump should have landed a few more sucker punches. That moderator was biased in favour of a stammering Creepy Joe.

What’s Chris Wallace doing in Fox News in the first place?

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Seriously…what the hell is that thing???


Wallace constantly interrupted Trump

Trump did not win, but that is not Trumps fault. Trump did not win because Wallace kept breaking the rules and did not let him win.

JOE’s EYES: I saw one after-party note that Joes eyes were dilated at the beginning and tiny at the end.



And this is creepy

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If if didn’t go to his ear what could the purpose be? Not sure of the technology…

Looks like a live lizard or something.

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I know, right? It looked like a lizzard maybe???

Yeah there were no winners from this debate, but I do like the fact that Trump got some good jabs in there like Spygate, crooked Hillary, and his son taking bribes. He needs to go after him some more to ratchet up the heat just as new developments are emerging with Hillary Clinton and her involvement.

Part of it is also on the top of his arm too.

Trump got in some GREAT punches.

I watched this great party:

Fk this asshat! It got his breaks because of his father! Another cuck carrying water for the pedos!

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Though, in terms of style, in my view, President Trump was the clear winner—Trump was in command of the conversation, in control of the discussion, and if not presidential, certainly more in command.

The first presidential debate between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden has concluded. Following the night, the biggest takeaway is that there were no surprises, and nothing happened that will change any attitudes, cause either candidate to gain or lose any votes, or move any undecided voters one way or the other.

Indeed, while the debate was contentious, and at times became personal, it lacked any real substance that could change attitudes in any meaningful way.

Given the level of back-and-forth between the candidates, the substance of the candidates’ answers was often lost and took a back seat to their style of argumentation and command of the room.

Though, in terms of style, in my view, President Trump was the clear winner—Trump was in command of the conversation, in control of the discussion, and if not presidential, certainly more in command.

I wish I could pause the video to get a better look at it…



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I can not stop laughing after watching this! OMG! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: