2020 Second Presidential Debate

Joe Biden has officially lost it. This energy crap is ridiculous.

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Someone get the yellow tape that debate was a crime scene.



“There is no red states of America or blue states of America.”

15 minutes later

“Why didn’t you get that done?”



Biden is so screwed.

This is how stupid Democrats are!


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Apparently this was a big hit with the Democrats who couldn’t see the irony with the statement.



Trump: You are corrupt Joe you took millions from China.

Biden: Come on man, middle class poors sitting around the table thinkin about tires.

They’re all gonna die from the common cold and it’ll be orange man’s fault.


Joe Biden straight up lied and said no one lost their private insurance under Obamacare.

That is so easily disproven. Bet the media won’t fact check it.

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Why doesn’t Trump say: “Joe, cut off your teleprompter and tell the American people what you think”?

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Or is this just an example of purposely taking something out of context in order to propagate a dishonest narrative? We see this sort of thing in MSM all the time.

Edit: On second thought, that has got to be the dumbest tweet I have ever seen!


Only congress can do that.

As usual, the democrats in this focus group are clueless when it comes to the actual facts. Nevertheless it was enlightening to watch in order to see what others think about the debate.

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I still wonder how libtards can even begin to hope that Biden will win. This is not a Democrat challenger; this is willful abuse of a senior citizen suffering from dementia.

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50 years in politics ( 50 YEARS ! ); and what has Biden done that can be considered a positive step improving the human condition? Name just one thing.

The media and left have programmed many Americans to hate True, the is the only way they can win.


When I watch Liberal talk shows, I see nothing but bile & venom. Absolute vicious creatures. They lie to each other until they find a lie they agree on.