2020 Race Riots - Open General

You’ve once again misunderstood. He does like a world view that doesn’t tolerate racism. It is you who doesn’t like the fact that you can’t find any racists to insult. That’s why you’re calling people racist who are inherently not so.

How would you like it if everyone started calling you a racist & there was nothing you could do to persuade them otherwise? Because that’s exactly what you’re doing to people here.


The libs have so overused that insult that it’s become completely discredited. Now, all of a sudden, they think it’s golden again, so let the good times roll. Most people will realize, again, that they’re just using it because they have nothing else. It’s the old joke that if the only tool that you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

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You accused me of attempting to browbeat and force my world view on you (and others). This is about black Americans view, and how whites are stepping up to own the fact that blacks have been treated horrifically since being imported, and are still to this day. That’s what the protests that I fully support, and you do not, are all about. It’s a world view that you don’t like but it will prevail despite those who oppose it.

I’ll debate Wazoo myself, I don’t need you as a middle man, I don’t suspect he does either…

It’s not a world view, it’s an American myopic view that was manufactured. Like always you are repeating what fake media sources you watch on daily basis and regurgitate it here in this forum!

There’s really nothing to admit, it’s more less acknowledgment of the angst the protests are causing so many.

Well of course they weren’t. They aren’t even related to the legitimate and peaceful protests that they co-opted and attatched themselves to for wholly unrelated purposes…

Geez look at these pics! Sad!

Their racial bias and bigotry needed no training…

Funniest clip of the day! Minneapolis Mayor is booed by BLM! :rofl:


What a pompous phony. If you want to debate someone without interference, send a private message. Stop acting like you’re the moderator here, you’re thankfully about as far from that as you can get.

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I have received private messages with 4-letter words and such.
@montecresto1 has been decent in his speech on a forum like this. (Not that I agree with him)

Could not say it but he did!

Sensible people are pissed off about the destruction of property and the looting…not about the peaceful protestors who simply carry signs and chant slogans.

You are creating a strawman argument. INVALID IN THE ADULT DEBATE ARENA!

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Praise for one’s race regarding accomplishments does not conflate to a sense of superiority. I am proud of the accomplishments of my white race.

I am also proud of The Tuskegee Airman, Garrett Morgan (inventor or our current traffic light), Frederick McKinley Jones (inventor of refrigerated cargo truck and co-founder of Thermo-King), Lewis Latimer (inventor of carbon light bulb filament)…ALL BLACK!

There are thousands of other great accomplishments by black people throughout history.

Being proud of one’s race is not racism. It does not require the advocating of superiority.

Also some great thinkers like Thomas Sowell and this guy Bob Woodson

Well that’s just not true. You’re conflating the rioters who are opportunists that are co-opting peaceful protests, with those that are out peacefully protesting police brutality…

74% of Americans view George Floyd’s death as an underlying racial injustice problem: POLL

He seems to think that, because he’s been around awhile, he can bark out orders to newbies. He’s just a big phony. All he’s done in this thread is call everyone racists. He incessantly says that he never insults anyone and snivels when he gets insulted, calls for civility.

It’s not civility just because he doesn’t call everyone a fucking racist.

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The problem with your poll it isn’t backed up with verifiable data that supports this argument as being true. This narrative is simply false.

Anybody can conduct a poll based on opinions and feelings! You lose again!

Here from one of your liberal sources!

Usually they aren’t ashamed to foul mouth you in the open. I’m surprised about the pm’s…