2020 Race Riots - Open General

It’s good that Target is finally paying for their 300 years of oppressing the black man.


Brilliant. Must be the New Moon. They are going bonkers in the stores. Even bringing their kids. What a way to raise kids.

The Mind Parasites are attacking Minnesota. It Effects the cops and the desperate and the politician in Mn and local politicians, probably gets some Blame. Looks like Minnesota is having a mental breakdown.



Oooohhweeee! You might be right about that! We haven’t seen this strong of a chimpout since at least 2016. Glad the timing of this event is so well timed to hit as the weather warms up in an election year.

For those unfamiliar with the category levels - here is a handy guide. Stay safe and healthy!


I shouldn’t laugh and feed into this twisted stuff, but that meme should make anyone laugh

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Why are these future astronauts starting fires?

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The store windows micro-aggressed those heroic scientists.

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The Carotid Artery and Jugular veins are, that’s how you cut off blood flow and hence oxygen to the brain.

Compression to the side of the neck can also cause a vaso-vagal response, Vasovagal Syncopy cutting off the ability to breathe at all, because it can lower your blood pressure and heart rate to the point of death with enough continued pressure. A single strike to the side of the neck, not even a particularly hard strike can render you unconscious for thirty seconds to a minute.

Further, with enough pressure the larynx and trachea can be deviated enough to greatly restrict or cut off breathing.

Laryngeal Trauma from the side can be severe enough to cause death and cause the exact symptoms we see on the video.

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Joggers get cold when not jogging.

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At an ever reduced rate.

I don’t care what happens in Mogadishu USA. When you flood in Somalians, you get Somali behavior.

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If it were white people they would be opening fire on them.

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Why make assumptions at all that aren’t supported by the evidence?

There’s no evidence at all to suggest race played any part in this period.

A cop that will do this to a black guy will do it to you as well if he’s having a bad day and you happen to be the handy target.

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The problem is that they are judging all blacks as a group, not as individuals which is just as bad as blacks that automatically assume police brutality and excessive force in every case where a black guy is killed by cops.

Objectivity and waiting on facts before judgement are both rapidly approaching extinction.


I’m reading/seeing a lot of chimpdom in some of these comments here, kind of matches the lunatic looting parties, going on.

Incindiary comments are the Mind Parasites eating your minds.


Waiting to hear DA Keith “smack my bitch up” Ellison’s exoneration of his 55 IQ Somali bruthas looting of Governor Dayton’s family enterprise.

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Yes - because constitutionally protected speech is the same as rioting and looting :ok_hand:

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The injustice of this man’s death is hurting my heart. I must console myself with stolen home appliances.


I’ll start worrying about Target’s getting looted by joggers when Target stops with the tranny bathrooms and pride month shit.

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They didn’t just go after Target. They are burning everything in the name of their precious bad check writing jogger. It’s in his memory that AutoZones get burned to the ground.