2020 Race Riots - Open General

Typical lib.

Someone took the initiative to start a thread.

Rather than start your own or make suggestions (take some initiative) just express distaste for the title.

Out of 2338 posts you and one other have objections to the title of a thread started 3 months ago.

Now that Biden has come out of his basement, at approximately the same time frame on the subject, I guess you feel it is safe to do now so also?


America isn’t built for that.

The arrests are ramping up.

No federal funds to rebuild those areas supporting the riots to rebuild.

Let it sink in for a very long time what the left will do and why who and what you vote for matters.

I don’t think there is any avoiding it now. Even if the damage were brought under control this very minute, our trust is gone. The idea that civilized people and barbarians can peacefully co-exist is clearly laid bare as a total delusion. We can never unsee the ugly truth now.

There will never be any peace in any area unless laws support the defense of home, business and property.

These animals aren’t civilized. What could possibly make you think that Balkanization will keep them in their own backyard?

And very soon we will be completely outvoted. You realize several states have already signed a pact that will essentially do away with the Electoral College, right? When just a few more states sign on every presidential election will be decided by popular vote because ALL of those states will only allow their electoral votes to go to the popular vote winner.

Yeah real peaceful protests! (Sarcasm)

It’s you that is freaking insane!


All empires fail. Ours will too. It’s just a question of when and how. With over 100M invaders it’ll probably be ugly.

I remember when the fairness doctrine kept public discourse fairly courteous and on a kind of Golden mean. The Powell Memo and Reagan put an end to that, and the conversion of Republican to Authoritarian commenced. God save us now. Thanks for proving the point.

When do you see a Constitutional Convention which will overturn the 12th Amendment?

I read something once that made a lot of sense to me and have since not been able to find it. It went along the lines of:

“Wars are not fought to bring about change but to keep things the same.”

It would seem that is what many are fighting for is the foundation that had been very successful versus those ones who want to radically change it into something that history has proven time and time again to be disastrous.

People were taught to have respect and courtesy for one another not so long ago.

One thing I hope comes out of COVID is parents awakening to the infiltration of the leftist indoctrination and rejection of it.



This is a new twist to countering cancel culture!




If you are so concerned with the fairness doctrine then why is your side walking up to innocent people and bashing them in their faces with skateboards? Is that any way to start a reasonable and honest conversation?

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Exactly! Black Mayors, Black Chief of Police, and white men control the cops? CT needs a reality check!


Then if you live here, leave. We will miss you…not.


BLM activists in Pittsburgh, PA wreck outdoor restaurant, abuse patrons, stealing their drinks and smashing plates.

I agree the title of this thread should change - can I offer a few suggestions
Planet of the apes re-enacted in America
B(lack) L(ooters) M(arauding)
Black Riots again in 2020
Self cleaning ovens all over America

